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E-Dialog for March 21 - Champions Edition

** Happy Spring!

** City Council Recap
On Tuesday, March 18, the East Lansing City Council met and took the following actions:
* Approved a change order with Fishbeck for the drain improvements project in an amount not to exceed $70,000 and authorized the City Manager to sign.
* Approved an addition of a City Council Special Budget Work Session Meeting on Tuesday, April 29 with a scheduled start time of 6 p.m.
* Approved the 2024 Downtown Parking Systems Report (read about that in last week's edition (https://us17.campaign-archive.com/?u=d99498ce3806962a5ede26662&id=d69cee8246) )
* Approved a conditional Class III rental license for an occupancy of up to two unrelated persons or a family at 580 Spartan Ave. The owner of record is Frank and Angelique Ciangi and the legal agent is Connie Ciangi, St. Johns, Mich.
* Approved a resolution recognizing March 2025 as Women's History Month. ***In what year was a woman first elected to the East Lansing City Council?*** Read the resolution (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/399357/Approve%20a%20Resolution%20Recognizing%20March%202025%20as%20.pdf?handle=54A64C7CE0AE43A3AB6ADB729C0A685E) for the answer to this question.
* Set a public hearing for April 8 to consider the regulatory status of a sub two-acre wetland located at 2447 Lake Lansing Road.
* Approved year five of the five-year contract with Hundred Acre Woods, in the amount of $97,480, to perform soccer field maintenance at the East Lansing Soccer Complex and the East Lansing Hannah Community Center, and authorized the City Manager to sign.
* Approved a request from Foster Swift for a waiver of conflict.
* Introduced and referred to the Planning Commission proposed Ordinance 1546, an amendment to Section 50-94 of the Zoning Ordinance which would change the process for developers seeking to transfer credits in association with the diverse housing requirement for certain developments in downtown East Lansing.
* Set a public hearing date of April 22 to receive comments on Ordinance 1545, an amendment to the definition of family in Chapter 50 - Zoning of the City's Code of Ordinances.
* Motions related to Albert EL Fresco.
+ A request to approve the site plan and closure of two lanes on Albert Avenue between M.A.C. Avenue and Grove Street beginning no sooner than May 5 and ending no later than 5 p.m. on Aug. 11 was unanimously approved.
+ A motion to replace the site plan and road closure with the pre-2024 Albert EL Fresco road closure site plan failed with Councilmember Erik Altmann and Mayor Pro Tem Kerry Singh voting in favor and Mayor George Brookover and Councilmembers Mark Meadows and Dana Watson voting against.
+ A motion to consider expanding the footprint and calendar of the original and current site plans, including Valley Court Park, after reflecting on community survey data and feedback, and directing the City Manager to work with staff to bring plans before Council no later than March 2026 was also unanimously approved.
* Approved a resolution of support for the lane conversion on Haslett Road between Hagadorn and Park Lake roads.
* Approved a contract with Rauhorn Electric, Inc. for the Trowbridge Road Gateway Project - Signal Improvements in an amount of $697,000 and authorized the City Manager to sign.
* Deferred the Special Use Request from 213 Ann St. Inc. back to the Planning Commission for further consideration based on changes to the application materials and questions from City Council.
* Approved a Special Use Permit for The Morning Post and D'nulffos, 1351 E. Grand River Ave. to alter the interior spaces and have alcohol service and a modified patio.
* Deferred to staff a contract request to replace HVAC equipment in the jail area at East Lansing City Hall.

To watch the entire meeting, visit the City's YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35sbt0Fg53o) and subscribe to receive notifications when new videos are posted. To read the meeting agenda and related documents, please visit the website (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/Portal/MeetingInformation.aspx?Org=Cal&Id=8783) .

Council will next meet on Tuesday, April 8, for a regular meeting.

** Special Presentation: East Lansing Income Tax
East Lansing Treasurer Andrea Smith presented a special report to East Lansing City Council to answer questions about the City's income tax.
* Watch the presentation on YouTube (https://youtu.be/35sbt0Fg53o?t=1418)
* View the slides here (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/399681/Income%20Tax%20Presentation.pdf?handle=669A6ACEA1FB424289EA6C3B90C34611)


** U.S. 127 Reconstruction Project Resumes for 2025

Motorists are advised that work on the U.S. 127 Reconstruction Project will result in intermittent ramp closures and lane shifts this week as all traffic is routed to the northbound section of highway.


The following ramps will be closed through Tuesday, June 15:
* Westbound I-96 to southbound U.S. 127
* Southbound U.S. 127 to westbound I-96
* Southbound U.S. 127 to eastbound I-96
* Dunckel Road to southbound U.S. 127
* Eastbound I-96 to northbound U.S. 127

Lane restrictions at the I-96 and U.S. 127 interchange will be lifted after work is complete.

The following ramps will be closed through mid-November:
* Northbound U.S. 127 to westbound I-496
* Eastbound I-496 to Trowbridge Road
* Southbound U.S. 127 to Trowbridge Road
* Trowbridge Road to southbound U.S. 127
* Kalamazoo and Howard streets to southbound U.S. 127


Additionally, work has begun on the River Trail and will last approximately four to six weeks. The eastbound I-496 ramp to northbound U.S. 127 for Kalamazoo and Homer streets will be closed until Thursday, March 27. This weekend both the Mount Hope Avenue and Jolly Road overpasses will be demolished with detours at Forest and Dunckel roads. All roadwork is weather dependent.

For more information on the U.S. 127 Reconstruction project, visit https://www.michigan.gov/mdot/projects-studies/us-127-corridor-improvements. (https://www.michigan.gov/mdot/projects-studies/us-127-corridor-improvements)

Any questions should be directed to the Michigan Department of Transportation project team at MDOT-127Corridor@Michigan.gov (mailto:MDOT-127Corridor@Michigan.gov) or (517) 335-3754.

** Congratulations ELHS Boys Basketball Team!

** State Champions for the First Time Since 1958
Read East Lansing Mayor George Brookover's letter to the team and Coach Mitchell (below) congratulating them on behalf of the entire City of East Lansing. Way to go!!!!!!!
Voting has begun in the Battle of the Businesses! Who will win???? Follow Downtown East Lansing on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/downtowneastlansing/) and Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/DowntownEastLansing) to help choose this year's winners.

** East Lansing Public Library Unveils Strategic Plan
The East Lansing Public Library (ELPL) shared its new strategic plan with a party that drew about 40 community members on Monday, March 17. The new strategic plan launches July 1 and will remain in effect through June 30, 2028. It identifies three strategic priorities for the library.
1. Ignite collaborations, partnerships and community engagement.
2. Expand mindset, spaces and operations.
3. Foster a shared sense of purpose and belonging.

Within each priority area are specific goals to help the library make progress. Every fiscal year (July 1-June 30) the library will create an action plan with potential activities for furthering its goals and a measurement plan will track the progress. These priorities and goals will inform decisions about budget, programs, materials, partnerships and other services.

As part of this process, ELPL also updated its mission, vision and core values.
* Mission: To inspire, serve and evolve as a source of knowledge, connection and growth.
* Vision: We connect our community to each other and the world around us.
* Core Values: Staff Excellence * Welcoming Space * Forward-Thinking Mindset * Access for All * Collaborative Spirit

Learn more at https://www.elpl.org/elpl-strategic-plan/.
Kick off National Library Week at the ELPL with an author visit from Curtis Chin. The Library will give away copies of his book, "Everything I Learned, I Learned in a Chinese Restaurant" to the first 50 attendees. Learn more here (https://elpl.bibliocommons.com/events/67bd1af3bd7c6c2800fcf0ed) .

Books, Bites & Bids! Get tickets now (https://www.elpl.org/blogs/post/get-ready-for-books-bites-bids-2025/?_gl=1*tnlqoh*_ga*MTIzNDM3NTY2OS4xNzQxMTAzMTU1*_ga_G99DMMNG39*MTc0MjUwNTI4OS44LjAuMTc0MjUwNTI4OS4wLjAuMA..) for the Library's largest fundraiser of the year, to be held on Friday, April 11.

Today is the last day to check out "Resistance: Ukrainian Art of Freedom" at (SCENE) Metrospace, 110 Charles St. See more from this important exhibit (https://www.instagram.com/scenemetrospace/?hl=en) .
Coming downtown and want to know where to park? Visit cityofeastlansing.com/liveparking (https://cityofeastlansing.com/2186/Live-Parking-Availability) to see how many spaces are available in the City's garages. (See more of the hamster here! (https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1452072248735350&) )
“Community,” a set of sculptures by the late John Neering, formerly in Valley Court Park, was installed in the atrium of East Lansing City Hall this week.

** Meetings & Events in the City of East Lansing

Wednesday, March 26
* 3 p.m. Public reception for the Neering sculptures, "Community", in the atrium at City Hall, 410 Abbot Road
* 7 p.m. Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission special meeting, East Lansing Hannah Community Center (ELHCC), 819 Abbot Road
* 7 p.m. Planning Commission meeting, ELHCC, 819 Abbot Road

Thursday, March 27
* Noon Downtown Development Authority meeting, ELHCC, 819 Abbot Road
* 1 p.m. Brownfield Redevelopment Authority meeting, ELHCC, 819 Abbot Road
* 7 p.m. Building Board of Appeals meeting and public hearing, City Hall, 410 Abbot Road, Conference Room A, Second Floor

* View meeting agendas and verify meeting dates, times and locations via
cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/portal (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/portal/) .
* Serve on a Board or Commission! Apply for a vacancy at cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/Portal/BoardApplication/.

Sign up to receive text or email alerts (https://www.smart911.com/smart911/ref/reg.action?pa=ingham) for community events, traffic notifications and critical emergencies via Rave Alerts from Smart 911.
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For questions or comments about this issue, help with subscribing or to suggest a news story, email Communications Director Carrie Sampson at csampson@cityofeastlansing.com (mailto:csampson@cityofeastlansing.com?subject=E-Dialog%20) .


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