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Oct. 18 E-Dialog & Council Recap

Oct. 18 E-Dialog & Council Recap

** Early Voting for General Election Starts Monday
The City of East Lansing's first Early Voting Center will open on Monday, Oct. 21 at the WKAR studio on MSU's campus. It will operate daily from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. through Sunday, Nov. 3.

A second Early Voting Center will open on Saturday, Oct. 26 at the East Lansing Hannah Community Center, 819 Abbot Road and will operate daily from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. through Sunday, Nov. 3. Community members can also still vote via absentee ballot.

Regardless of regular polling location, any voter registered in the City of East Lansing may cast their vote at either of the Early Voting Centers.

For more information, including how to register online, request or track an absentee ballot, verify polling location and much more, visit ( .

** MSU Homecoming Parade Countdown
The Michigan State University Homecoming Parade will kick off from the intersection of Burcham Drive and Abbot Road at 6 p.m. tonight (Friday, Oct. 18) with parade staging at the East Lansing Hannah Community Center (ELHCC), 819 Abbot Road. Several streets closed in the area around ELHCC beginning at 2:30 p.m. today.
* Full details about street closures (

The parade's route will move down Abbot Road to Grand River Avenue, turning right onto campus at Farm Lane.

The community is encouraged to come out to line the streets and celebrate the Green and White! For a live view of spaces available in the City's parking garages, visit ( .

This year's theme is COMING HOME. Details of all Homecoming activities ( .

The parade will be live-streamed by WLNS 6 News ( .

** Recap of City Council Meeting
At its meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 15, the East Lansing City Council
* Approved several appointments and reappointments to City Boards and Commissions.
* Approved a street closure request for Safe Halloween on Oct. 29.
* Held a public hearing to consider amendments to the zoning ordinance that would incentivize certain building forms and materials.
* Approved ratification of a change order for the Burcham Rehabilitation Project.
* Approved submittal of the Clean Water State Revolving Fund loan application for improvements at the Water Resource Recovery Facility (WRRF)
* Approved a proposal from the East Lansing Police Department for DEI training.
* Approved the form and process for performance evaluation of East Lansing City Manager Robert Belleman.
* Approved a recommendation for the Humana Medicare Advantage insurance renewal for eligible retirees.
* Considered and approved a second reading of Ordinance 1541, regarding initiation of a traffic stop.
* Instructed the City Manager and staff to move forward with the Northern Tier Trail extension project between the Soccer Complex and Coolidge Road.

View the meeting agenda here ( for the details about all of these agenda items.

Watch the meeting ( to hear presentations and Council discussion.

** Bulk Leaf Collection Begins East of Abbot Road on Monday, Oct. 21; West Side Starts Oct. 28
Community members can begin raking their leaves to the curb for bulk leaf collection! This annual tradition will begin for properties EAST of Abbot Road on Monday, Oct. 21. Collection for properties WEST of Abbot Road will begin the following week, on Monday, Oct. 28.

It's important not to rake leaves into the street. These can become a traffic hazard and significantly impair the street's ability to convey stormwater. A blocked drain could result in localized flooding and damage. Leave the leaves at the edge of the street.

For answers to the most commonly asked yard waste questions, bookmark ( .

** Construction to Begin Monday on Section of Albert Avenue

Spot sewer repair, curbing and the resurface of two inches of asphalt pavement will begin on Monday, Oct. 21 on Albert Avenue between Abbot Road. The road will be partially closed to through traffic; however, local traffic will be maintained as much as possible. For more information, visit ( .

** Print Dialog is Out

The fall issue of the City's newsletter, Dialog, was mailed earlier this month. Extra copies are available in the entryway of City Hall, 410 Abbot Road or view it online ( !

** It's the Great Pumpkin, East Lansing!
The City will host its annual Great Pumpkin Walk on Sunday, Oct. 27 from 1-4 p.m. in downtown East Lansing. More than 30 downtown businesses will serve as trick-or-treating stations this year.

Activities at this year’s event include free pumpkins while supplies last, with pumpkin decorating stations at William B. Sharp Park on the corner of Abbot Road and Albert Avenue and in the 500-block pedestrian alleyway on the other end of the downtown area near Bailey Street.

There will also be an opportunity for photos with characters like superheroes and princesses from Royal Encounters MSU. Additionally, there will be a 26-foot tall inflatable pumpkin at Ann Street Plaza.

MSU Fraternity and Sorority Life will host their Safe Halloween event on Tuesday, Oct. 29 from 5-7 p.m. on M.A.C. Avenue between Burcham Drive and Linden Street.


The East Lansing Department of Parks, Recreation and Arts is seeking input from community members about the City’s Park, Recreation, Open Space and Greenways Plan for 2025-2029.

Community input is an important part of updating the City’s five-year plan. The purpose of the plan is to assess the City’s needs for these spaces and identify actions to be taken to improve and maintain current facilities. Additionally, a five-year plan is required by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) to maintain eligibility for grant funding.
* The survey can be completed in about five minutes here ( . It will be open through the end of October.

Those who are aged 55+ are encouraged to fill out the Prime Time Seniors survey. The purpose of the survey is to discover what East Lansing needs to do to make it a great place for seniors to live, work and visit. Its questions were written specifically to understand the senior perspective and was designed in partnership with the Age Friendly Communities Committee, the Seniors Prime Time program and other local organizations.
* It is expected that this survey takes about 15 minutes to complete. Fill it out online here ( . It will close on Wednesday, Oct. 30. Participants can be entered to win a $75 Downtown East Lansing eGift card.

On Monday, Oct. 21, the Commission on the Environment will meet at 6:30 p.m. View the agenda ( .

There will be no City Council meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 22.

On Wednesday, Oct. 23, the Planning Commission will meet at 7 p.m. View the agenda ( .

The Downtown Development Authority and Brownfield Redevelopment Authority are scheduled to meet on Thursday, Oct. 24.

The Building Board of Appeals will meet at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 24. View the agenda ( .

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