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E-Dialog News for Jan. 24
At the Tuesday, Jan. 21 East Lansing City Council meeting,
* Council approved three appointments to the Transportation Commission, including Willem Nienhuis, Corwin Harris and Ankita Shulka. All will serve full terms ending Dec. 31, 2027.
* Council approved a resolution recognizing the Lansing Area Parkinson's Support Group as a nonprofit organization in the City of East Lansing for the purpose of obtaining a charitable gaming license from the Michigan Lottery Bureau.
* Council approved contracts with Mayotte Group Architects to provide design, bidding and construction management services for the renovation of the Clerk's Office s and a portion of the Finance Offices and adjacent hallway, authorizing the City Manager to sign and amending the FY 2025 budget accordingly.
* Council approved a conditional Class III rental license for an occupancy of up to two unrelated persons or a family at 1250 Mulberry Lane. The owner is Navneet Singh of East Lansing.
* Council considered Ordinance 1540, a request from Hagan Realty Inc. to conditionally rezone 743, 755 and 765 Grove St. from R-2 (Medium Density Single-Family Residential District) to RM-32 (City Center Multiple-Family Residential District) for the construction of a multi-family residential building with up to 48 bedrooms and associated parking.
* Council considered a Special Use request from Gunovid, LLC to construct a fabrication shop at 16647 Chandler Road, which will produce piping products and plumbing supplies for commercial and residential projects. Fabrication uses require special use approval by the Planning Commission and City Council in the Office Industrial Park (OIP) zone district.
* Council considered Ordinance 1542 to amend Chapter 20 of the City Code for items related to historic preservation including the staff issuance policy.
* Council considered Ordinance 1539, a request from Gunovid, LLC to rezone a vacant parcel immediately adjacent to and to be combined with 16647 Chandler Road from D* (Bath Township - Development) to OIP to facilitate the construction of a fabrication shop, a special use within the OIP zone district.
* Council considered approval of a resolution to authorize the contract between the Michigan Department of Transportation and the City of East Lansing for FY 2025 State Earmark Funds in the amount of $2.4 million, authorizing the City Manager to sign and amending the FY 2025 budget accordingly.
* After a closed session, Council voted against filing a lawsuit to challenge Proposition 1.

View the agenda packet ( to read more about each of these agenda items; a synopsis can be found online here ( . To watch the meeting and hear the Council discussions, visit the City's YouTube channel here ( .

** Tree City USA!
The City of East Lansing planted 280 trees in 2024 as part of the City's goal to create a “fully-stocked” urban forest. Trees help create shade, cool the environment, sequester carbon, manage stormwater and provide wildlife habitat. Planting in public spaces will continue this year; however, private property also plays a vital role in expanding the urban forest. The City encourages residents to consider planting a tree on their privately-owned property for benefits to the entire neighborhood!

City staff can offer recommendations and guidance on tree selection. To request a planting, fill out an inspection form online ( or call (517) 337-9459. For street tree requests in public right-of-way areas, submit a request form online ( (please note that planting is not guaranteed and there may be a wait due to demand).

** Downtown Parking Availability
The City's website offers a live parking feature, showing each of the six gated parking facilities. Visit and bookmark it at ( . Additionally, at the entrance to each parking facility is a sign showing how many spaces are available. Parking visits that are 15 minutes or less are FREE and several businesses also offer validated parking for customers. For more information about parking, visit

** Meetings and Events Next Week
Monday, Jan. 27
5:30 p.m. Folk Festival Study Committee meeting, East Lansing Hannah Community Center (ELHCC), 819 Abbot Road
6 p.m. Transportation Commission meeting, ELHCC

This Weekend and Next
All-of-us Express Children’s Theatre will present "Little Shop of Horrors: Broadway Version" at the East Lansing Hannah Community Center (ELHCC). Showtimes are 7 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 31 and Feb. 7; 3 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 1 and Feb. 8 and 3 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 2 and Feb. 9. Tickets are $9 for youth (17 and under) and $14 for adults (18 and older). Purchase tickets online ( , call (517) 333-2580, ext. 0 or in person at ELHCC.

* View meeting agendas and verify meeting dates, times and locations via ( .
* Apply for a vacant position on a City board or commission at

** Share Opinions in Surveys from City
The City is hoping to receive community feedback with two brief surveys.
* The Folk Festival Study Committee is considering reestablishing a folk or similar music festival in the City of East Lansing. Survey here ( .
* The City's Communications Department wants to hear from the community about how it receives City news. Survey here ( .

** Crystal Awards Nominations Now Open
The Crystal Awards program strives to honor and uplift individuals, businesses, organizations and community groups that have, over time, enhanced life in the City of East Lansing and made it a more welcoming and affirming place to live, work and do business. Nominations ( will be accepted until Tuesday, Feb. 25, and a reception will be held at 5 p.m. Thursday, April 24, at the East Lansing Hannah Community Center, 819 Abbot Road to recognize the honorees. Learn more at ( .
The City of East Lansing is seeking an Assistant to the City Manager. This is an excellent professional position in service to an enlightened, participative residential/university community which is home to Michigan State University. Apply today! (
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For questions or comments about this issue, help with subscribing or to suggest a news story, email Communications Director Carrie Sampson at ( .

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