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East Lansing City Council Meeting Recap 9/17/24

East Lansing City Council Meeting Recap 9/17/24

** Thanks for reading!

The East Lansing City Council Recap is sent after regular, discussion-only and special City Council meetings. View the 2024 meeting schedule here (https://cityofeastlansing.com/DocumentCenter/View/14120/2024-City-Council-meeting-schedule-PDF) . Readers are encouraged to contact the East Lansing City Manager's Office with questions at (517) 319-6920.

The City of East Lansing occupies the ancestral, traditional and contemporary lands of the Anishinaabeg – Three Fires Confederacy of Ojibwe, Odawa and Potawatomi peoples land ceded in the 1819 Treaty of Saginaw.

** Highlights from the Sept. 17 Meeting
The East Lansing City Council met on Tuesday, Sept. 17 at the East Lansing Hannah Community Center (ELHCC) for a regular meeting. Watch this meeting from the beginning (https://youtu.be/oFFe5OstprY?t=632) .

During communications from Council, East Lansing City Councilmember Mark Meadows noted that there is an effort to bring back the East Lansing Folk Festival. A meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 30 at the East Lansing Hannah Community Center, 819 Abbot Road to discuss the possibility.

East Lansing Councilmember Erik Altmann spoke about an idea that he had previously floated of declaring a moratorium on new construction in the City related to stormwater management. He noted, however, that after attending the Commission on the Environment meeting the previous evening, there might be ways to update the City's code in relation to impermeable surfaces, defined as a hard surface that does not allow water to seep into the ground, causing water to run off instead.

East Lansing City Manager Robert Belleman reminded Council and the community that the City's Charter Review Committee will meet on Thursday, Sept. 26 for its first public hearing. To learn more about the Charter Review Committee and see its calendar of meetings, please visit www.cityofeastlansing.com/charterreview (https://www.cityofeastlansing.com/2444/Charter-Review-Committee) .

** 4.1 Consideration of a Public Safety Grant with Byrne Community Project Grants Program in the Amount of $1.5 Million; Authorize City Manager to Sign
Watch this part of the meeting (https://youtu.be/oFFe5OstprY?t=1322) . The Byrne Discretionary Grant Program supports projects designated for funding in the Consolidated Appropriations Act 2022 (Public Law 117-103) that improve the functioning of the criminal justice system, prevent or combat juvenile delinquency and assist victims of crime (other than compensation). The City of East Lansing applied for and received a $1.5 million congressionally directed spending request in FY24 for public safety enhancements, including a modular vehicle barrier system, security camera upgrades and City Hall security. View the agenda item report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/385787/Consideration%20of%20Ingham%20County%20Emergency%20Manage.pdf?handle=E245A53332FD4FAF8269C7196B0A21B2) . A motion to approve was made by East Lansing Mayor George Brookover, seconded by Councilmember Meadows and approved unanimously.

** 4.2 Consideration of the Mich. Dept. of Labor & Economic Opportunity FTG-2024 Grant for 49 Sets of New Firefighter Turnout Gear
Watch this part of the meeting (https://youtu.be/oFFe5OstprY?t=1342) . This grant provides 48 sets of firefighter turnout gear to the East Lansing Fire Department with cost savings to the City of $163,200. This grant requires that the entity receiving the grant pay for the gear up front, then submit a claim for reimbursement. The National Fire Protection Association recommends that fire gear be retired at 10 years from manufacture date. View the agenda item report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/386747/Consideration%20of%20the%20Michigan%20Department%20of%20Lab.pdf?handle=2D0DC616479B443BAF549FB3272001D5) . A motion to approve was made by Mayor Brookover, seconded by Councilmember Altmann and approved unanimously.

** 4.3 Consideration of Contract to Replace Fencing at the ELFAC and Softball Complex
Watch this part of the meeting (https://youtu.be/oFFe5OstprY?t=1438) . Council considered a contract with Laux Construction in the amount of $142,000 to replace fencing at the East Lansing Family Aquatic Center and Softball Complex, authorizing the City Manager to sign and approving a project contingency of $7,100. View the agenda item report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/386581/Consideration%20of%20and%20authorize%20the%20City%20Manager.pdf?handle=547825F28A2E4C88952FFAF06A81063E) . A motion to approve was made by Councilmember Meadows, seconded by East Lansing Mayor Pro Tem Kerry Ebersole Singh and approved unanimously.

** 4.4 Consideration of a Property Donation to the City for Use as Green Space or Park Space
Watch this part of the meeting (https://youtu.be/oFFe5OstprY?t=1801) . In May 2024, the property owners of 1049 Cresenwood Road expressed their interest in donating their property to the City. The owners have two stipulations for the donation. First, the property must serve as a green space or park, and second, it must be named in honor of the mother of one of the owners, a longtime East Lansing resident. The house at this property was damaged by fire on Nov. 22, 2023 and again on Jan. 18, 2024, and it is not currently habitable due to damage from the fires. View the agenda item report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/386700/Consideration%20of%20a%20property%20donation%20to%20the%20Cit.pdf?handle=452B127C75694A73AE7748E5F598F4F0) . A motion to approve was made by Mayor Brookover, seconded by Councilmember Meadows and approved unanimously.

** 4.5 Consideration of a New Income Tax Assistant Position Within the Finance Department
Watch this part of the meeting (https://youtu.be/oFFe5OstprY?t=2130) . Council considered a request for the creation of a full-time City income tax assistant position. This new position is needed to address the increased workload within the Income Tax Division, enhance taxpayer services and ensure compliance with City tax regulations. In recent years, the volume of income tax filings, inquiries and administrative tasks has significantly increased. The current staffing level has become insufficient to meet the demands of the department and taxpayers. View the agenda item report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/386812/Consideration%20of%20a%20new%20Income%20Tax%20Assistant%20pos.pdf?handle=3F4786279D374397B39ACC7A9E59558F) . A motion to approve was made by Councilmember Meadows, seconded by East Lansing Councilmember Dana Watson and approved unanimously.

** 4.6 Approval of a Letter of Support to MSHDA for 333 Valley Court Redevelopment Project (Formerly 341-345 Evergreen Ave.)
Watch this part of the meeting (https://youtu.be/oFFe5OstprY?t=1254) . Council considered a request for a letter of support to the Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA) for the public-private redevelopment project at 333 Valley Court (formerly 341-345 Evergreen Ave.). View the agenda item report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/386934/Approve%20a%20letter%20of%20support%20to%20the%20Michigan%20Sta.pdf?handle=07488E3BCE1A4E35B5BF827809801B9E) . A motion to approve was made by Councilmember Meadows, seconded by Mayor Brookover and approved unanimously.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.

** Other Items
1. Council approved several appointments or reappointments to Boards or Commissions. View the agenda item report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/386572/Approve%20the%20following%20appointments%20or%20reappoint.pdf?handle=5B6D4FCE9E8841229BBBAAE732453463) .
2. Council approved a contract with Great Lakes Interiors and Design in the amount of $30,190 for a Finance Department remodel/construction and authorized the City Manager to sign. View the agenda item report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/386614/Approve%20contract%20with%20Great%20Lakes%20Interiors%20_%20D.pdf?handle=658697E5AC5F4E869136C17951BD98BD) .
3. Council considered a resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager to send a letter to Lansing Board of Water and Light regarding its approved electric rate increases. View the agenda item report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/386822/Consideration%20of%20resolution%20authorizing%20and%20dir.pdf?handle=489521A300764E88A03AF759F4FDE706) .

To learn more about all items discussed during the meeting, view the Agenda Packet (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/386924/) (149 pages) and the meeting synopsis (PDF) (https://www.cityofeastlansing.com/ArchiveCenter/ViewFile/Item/2261) .

Next Meeting: Tuesday, Oct. 1

** Additional Information

East Lansing City Council meetings take place at the East Lansing Hannah Community Center, 819 Abbot Road at 7 p.m. A remote option for viewing the meetings and providing public comment is offered via the City's public meeting portal (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/Portal/) . The number to call in for public comment is posted at the top of each meeting agenda.


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