At the end of one month and the beginning of the next. Facebook ( Instagram ( X ( Website ( YouTube ( LinkedIn (
** Closing Out the Month with Heart ------------------------------------------------------------ With the help of volunteers from its Thursday "stitch in" program, Woven Art Yarn Shop, 325 Grove St. ( , has hung crocheted and knit hearts in Downtown East Lansing. These are offered with the intention that anyone who needs extra love in the moment may take a heart. More hearts will continue to be added in the next few weeks. If others would like to donate hearts to the project, they may be dropped off at the shop during business hours. View a list of free patterns here ( .
** Start the Month with a Children's Cultural Concert ------------------------------------------------------------
Experience the magic of "Kuchipudi" a South Indian classical dance performed by Yamini Kalluri, presented by the Michigan Sangeetha Natya Academy.
WHEN: 11 a.m. Saturday, March 1 WHERE: East Lansing Hannah Community Center, 819 Abbot Road COST: Free!
The event will be preceded by a story hour at 10 a.m. All are welcome!
** MDOT Construction on U.S. 127 Begins Again Monday ------------------------------------------------------------
The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) will resume work on southbound U.S. 127 next week.
Please be advised that this project will require several intermittent lane and ramp closures for pavement markings and temporary concrete barrier placement beginning at 6 a.m. on Monday, March 3.
Other timeline information: * Sunday, March 2, staging will begin for the 2025 portion of the U.S. 127 Reconstruction Project. * On Sunday evening, both the Southbound U.S. 127 and Eastbound I-496 exits to Trowbridge Road will be closed to facilitate barrier wall placement and pavement markings. * Beginning Monday, March 3, the contractor will begin intermittently closing ramps and taking lane closures on both bounds to continue similar work for the next two weeks until final configuration will be set on March 18, which will see both bounds of traffic operating on the Northbound proper portion of U.S. 127. * From then until mid-June, the portion of the project from I-96 to Dunckel Road will be the focus. Once that work is complete, the I-96/U.S. 127 interchange will be relieved of restrictions. * On March 18, both directions of U.S. 127 traffic will be shifted to the northbound side of the freeway, with northbound and southbound traffic separated by a concrete barrier.
For more information and the most up-to-date news, follow ( . Above, Interim Chief Jennifer Brown (center) loads an ELPD vehicle with bravery bags. Below, a detail from one of the bravery bags.
** Bravery Bags on Board ------------------------------------------------------------ The East Lansing Police Department has partnered with the Kiwanis Club of East Lansing and the Michigan State University Department of Police and Public Safety (MSU DPPS) to create "Bravery Bags" that contain items to help children in traumatic situations. Special thanks to WKAR Public Media from MSU for the donation of books; to the greater community for the donation of stuffed animals; and to MSU DPPS Lt. Parviainen for making the project a reality!
** Paint with the Police Event Success! ------------------------------------------------------------
** Thank you to everyone who came out to the East Lansing Public Library last Saturday. Comfort K9 Silas enjoyed meeting his community! ------------------------------------------------------------
** Police Chief Search: Share Feedback in Survey ------------------------------------------------------------ “As we embark on the important journey of selecting our next police chief, we are reaching out to our community members to hear your views, desires and perspectives,” said East Lansing City Manager Robert Belleman. The survey should be completed ( by Monday, March 3, and can be done in 3-5 minutes. All responses will be kept confidential and anonymous.
** Downtown Rotating Art Display Features Images from New Exhibit at Broad Art Museum ------------------------------------------------------------
The latest rotating art display in downtown East Lansing features images from the Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum at Michigan State University. The panels were installed earlier this week and will be up until mid-May.
“We’re always excited to share what’s happening at the MSU Broad Art Museum with our on-campus and off-campus communities, and we are grateful to the City of East Lansing for sharing this initiative with us — bringing art out, beyond the museum walls, and into the City we call home,” said Zoe Kissel, director of communications at the MSU Broad Art Museum.
This iteration of panels features images from the Broad Art Museum exhibit entitled, "Farmland: Food, Justice and Sovereignty." The exhibit centers around questions of food knowledge, production, scarcity and consumption against the background of MSU’s 170-year agricultural history. Learn more about this exhibit here ( .
The Broad Art Museum is located on the edge of campus at 547 E. Circle Drive. The museum is open from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday, and admission is free and open to all.
** Last Weekend to View "Echoes of Artistic Expression" at the Public Art Gallery ------------------------------------------------------------ The special exhibit, "Echoes of Artistic Expression," features the artwork of three generations -- grandmother, mother and daughter. It runs through Tuesday, March 4, at the Public Art Gallery on the second floor of the East Lansing Hannah Community Center, 819 Abbot Road. The work of Helen M. Smith is being shown posthumously alongside that of her daughter, Dr. Pamela R. Smith, and granddaughter, Courtney Minifee.
The exhibit is also an echo of public service. Dr. Smith serves as the president of the East Lansing Public Library Board of Trustees ( and Courtney Minifee serves on the City's Arts Commission ( . The City always needs engaged citizens to become involved in its many boards and commissions. Currently, there are vacancies on the following boards or commissions: * Commission on the Environment ( (meets the third Monday of every month at 6:30 p.m. unless otherwise indicated) * Historic District Commission ( (meets the second Thursday of each month at 6 p.m. unless otherwise indicated) * Housing Commission ( (meets the first Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. unless otherwise indicated) * Officers Compensation Commission ( (meets in odd-numbered years)
To apply for a vacancy, visit MEETING INFORMATION FOR NEXT WEEK Monday, March 3 * 1 p.m. Seniors Commission meeting, East Lansing Hannah Community Center (ELHCC), 819 Abbot Road
Tuesday, March 4 * 10 a.m. Board of Review, East Lansing City Hall, Court Conference Room, 410 Abbot Road * 7 p.m. City Council meeting, ELHCC
Wednesday, March 5 * 6 p.m. Independent Police Oversight Commission, ELHCC * 6 p.m. Zoning Board of Appeals, East Lansing Public Library, 950 Abbot Road
Thursday, March 6 * Noon Downtown Management Board, East Lansing City Hall, 410 Abbot Road, Conference Room A on the second floor * 6:30 p.m. Housing Commission, ELHCC
************************************************************************** View meeting agendas and verify meeting dates, times and locations at ( .
** In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb? Or the Other Way 'Round? ------------------------------------------------------------ Learn more about this expression from the Farmers' Almanac (
** Planetary Parade on Display in the Night Sky ------------------------------------------------------------
The seven planets as seen in the night sky during the planetary alignment. Credit: Michigan State University/May Napora Seven planets have been visible this week. Although it is not uncommon to see Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, seeing Mercury, Venus, Uranus and Neptune alongside them is rare. Shannon Schmoll, director of the Abrams Planetarium at Michigan State University, said, "It is quite special to have all the planets above the horizon at once. The ecliptic line will help guide where to find them, but most will not be easy to spot. But it is always worth going out to look and say hi to our solar system family members." Learn more from MSUToday ( .
** Job Opportunity ------------------------------------------------------------ Crossing guards provide safe crossings for school children at designated crosswalks within the City of East Lansing. Did you know that crossing guards now only need to be 16 years old to apply? Visit ( to learn more and apply today! Thanks for reading this issue! If this email was forwarded to you or you are reading it on the website and you would like to receive it in your email inbox each week on Friday morning, visit ( to subscribe. There is no cost to subscribe and you may opt out at any time.
For questions or comments about this issue, help with subscribing or to suggest a news story, email Communications Director Carrie Sampson at ( .
Our mailing address is: City of East Lansing 410 Abbot Road East Lansing, MI 48823 USA Want to change how you receive these emails? You can ** update your preferences ( or ** unsubscribe from this list ( . Email Marketing Powered by Mailchimp Facebook ( Instagram ( X ( Website ( YouTube ( LinkedIn (
** Closing Out the Month with Heart
With the help of volunteers from its Thursday "stitch in" program, Woven Art Yarn Shop, 325 Grove St. ( , has hung crocheted and knit hearts in Downtown East Lansing. These are offered with the intention that anyone who needs extra love in the moment may take a heart. More hearts will continue to be added in the next few weeks. If others would like to donate hearts to the project, they may be dropped off at the shop during business hours. View a list of free patterns here ( .
** Start the Month with a Children's Cultural Concert
Experience the magic of "Kuchipudi" a South Indian classical dance performed by Yamini Kalluri, presented by the Michigan Sangeetha Natya Academy.
WHEN: 11 a.m. Saturday, March 1
WHERE: East Lansing Hannah Community Center, 819 Abbot Road
COST: Free!
The event will be preceded by a story hour at 10 a.m. All are welcome!
** MDOT Construction on U.S. 127 Begins Again Monday
The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) will resume work on southbound U.S. 127 next week.
Please be advised that this project will require several intermittent lane and ramp closures for pavement markings and temporary concrete barrier placement beginning at 6 a.m. on Monday, March 3.
Other timeline information:
* Sunday, March 2, staging will begin for the 2025 portion of the U.S. 127 Reconstruction Project.
* On Sunday evening, both the Southbound U.S. 127 and Eastbound I-496 exits to Trowbridge Road will be closed to facilitate barrier wall placement and pavement markings.
* Beginning Monday, March 3, the contractor will begin intermittently closing ramps and taking lane closures on both bounds to continue similar work for the next two weeks until final configuration will be set on March 18, which will see both bounds of traffic operating on the Northbound proper portion of U.S. 127.
* From then until mid-June, the portion of the project from I-96 to Dunckel Road will be the focus. Once that work is complete, the I-96/U.S. 127 interchange will be relieved of restrictions.
* On March 18, both directions of U.S. 127 traffic will be shifted to the northbound side of the freeway, with northbound and southbound traffic separated by a concrete barrier.
For more information and the most up-to-date news, follow ( .
Above, Interim Chief Jennifer Brown (center) loads an ELPD vehicle with bravery bags. Below, a detail from one of the bravery bags.
** Bravery Bags on Board
The East Lansing Police Department has partnered with the Kiwanis Club of East Lansing and the Michigan State University Department of Police and Public Safety (MSU DPPS) to create "Bravery Bags" that contain items to help children in traumatic situations. Special thanks to WKAR Public Media from MSU for the donation of books; to the greater community for the donation of stuffed animals; and to MSU DPPS Lt. Parviainen for making the project a reality!
** Paint with the Police Event Success!
** Thank you to everyone who came out to the East Lansing Public Library last Saturday. Comfort K9 Silas enjoyed meeting his community!
** Police Chief Search: Share Feedback in Survey
“As we embark on the important journey of selecting our next police chief, we are reaching out to our community members to hear your views, desires and perspectives,” said East Lansing City Manager Robert Belleman. The survey should be completed ( by Monday, March 3, and can be done in 3-5 minutes. All responses will be kept confidential and anonymous.
** Downtown Rotating Art Display Features Images from New Exhibit at Broad Art Museum
The latest rotating art display in downtown East Lansing features images from the Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum at Michigan State University. The panels were installed earlier this week and will be up until mid-May.
“We’re always excited to share what’s happening at the MSU Broad Art Museum with our on-campus and off-campus communities, and we are grateful to the City of East Lansing for sharing this initiative with us — bringing art out, beyond the museum walls, and into the City we call home,” said Zoe Kissel, director of communications at the MSU Broad Art Museum.
This iteration of panels features images from the Broad Art Museum exhibit entitled, "Farmland: Food, Justice and Sovereignty." The exhibit centers around questions of food knowledge, production, scarcity and consumption against the background of MSU’s 170-year agricultural history. Learn more about this exhibit here ( .
The Broad Art Museum is located on the edge of campus at 547 E. Circle Drive. The museum is open from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday, and admission is free and open to all.
** Last Weekend to View "Echoes of Artistic Expression" at the Public Art Gallery
The special exhibit, "Echoes of Artistic Expression," features the artwork of three generations -- grandmother, mother and daughter. It runs through Tuesday, March 4, at the Public Art Gallery on the second floor of the East Lansing Hannah Community Center, 819 Abbot Road. The work of Helen M. Smith is being shown posthumously alongside that of her daughter, Dr. Pamela R. Smith, and granddaughter, Courtney Minifee.
The exhibit is also an echo of public service. Dr. Smith serves as the president of the East Lansing Public Library Board of Trustees ( and Courtney Minifee serves on the City's Arts Commission ( .
The City always needs engaged citizens to become involved in its many boards and commissions. Currently, there are vacancies on the following boards or commissions:
* Commission on the Environment ( (meets the third Monday of every month at 6:30 p.m. unless otherwise indicated)
* Historic District Commission ( (meets the second Thursday of each month at 6 p.m. unless otherwise indicated)
* Housing Commission ( (meets the first Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. unless otherwise indicated)
* Officers Compensation Commission ( (meets in odd-numbered years)
To apply for a vacancy, visit
Monday, March 3
* 1 p.m. Seniors Commission meeting, East Lansing Hannah Community Center (ELHCC), 819 Abbot Road
Tuesday, March 4
* 10 a.m. Board of Review, East Lansing City Hall, Court Conference Room, 410 Abbot Road
* 7 p.m. City Council meeting, ELHCC
Wednesday, March 5
* 6 p.m. Independent Police Oversight Commission, ELHCC
* 6 p.m. Zoning Board of Appeals, East Lansing Public Library, 950 Abbot Road
Thursday, March 6
* Noon Downtown Management Board, East Lansing City Hall, 410 Abbot Road, Conference Room A on the second floor
* 6:30 p.m. Housing Commission, ELHCC
View meeting agendas and verify meeting dates, times and locations at ( .
** In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb? Or the Other Way 'Round?
Learn more about this expression from the Farmers' Almanac (
** Planetary Parade on Display in the Night Sky
The seven planets as seen in the night sky during the planetary alignment. Credit: Michigan State University/May Napora
Seven planets have been visible this week. Although it is not uncommon to see Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, seeing Mercury, Venus, Uranus and Neptune alongside them is rare. Shannon Schmoll, director of the Abrams Planetarium at Michigan State University, said, "It is quite special to have all the planets above the horizon at once. The ecliptic line will help guide where to find them, but most will not be easy to spot. But it is always worth going out to look and say hi to our solar system family members." Learn more from MSUToday ( .
** Job Opportunity
Crossing guards provide safe crossings for school children at designated crosswalks within the City of East Lansing. Did you know that crossing guards now only need to be 16 years old to apply? Visit ( to learn more and apply today!
Thanks for reading this issue! If this email was forwarded to you or you are reading it on the website and you would like to receive it in your email inbox each week on Friday morning, visit ( to subscribe. There is no cost to subscribe and you may opt out at any time.
For questions or comments about this issue, help with subscribing or to suggest a news story, email Communications Director Carrie Sampson at ( .
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