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East Lansing City Council Meeting Recap 8/13/24

East Lansing City Council Meeting Recap 8/13/24

** Thanks for reading!

The East Lansing City Council Recap is sent after regular, discussion-only and special City Council meetings. View the 2024 meeting schedule here (https://cityofeastlansing.com/DocumentCenter/View/14120/2024-City-Council-meeting-schedule-PDF) . Readers are encouraged to contact the East Lansing City Manager's Office with questions at (517) 319-6920.

The City of East Lansing occupies the ancestral, traditional and contemporary lands of the Anishinaabeg – Three Fires Confederacy of Ojibwe, Odawa and Potawatomi peoples land ceded in the 1819 Treaty of Saginaw.

** Highlights from the Aug. 13 Meeting
The East Lansing City Council met on Tuesday, Aug. 13 at the East Lansing Hannah Community Center (ELHCC) for a regular meeting. Watch this meeting from the beginning (https://youtu.be/bOVdAoJLnRs?t=604) .

During communications from Council, East Lansing Mayor Pro Tem Kerry Ebersole Singh mentioned the East Lansing Public Library's special meeting to go over their strategic planning process and data from the community survey.

East Lansing Councilmember Mark Meadows noted the passing of community member Michael Moquin who won the City's Crystal Award in 2017 for his work on the City's Financial Health Team.

East Lansing Councilmember Erik Altmann commented on recent communications received by Council regarding whether homeowners can allow campaign workers to stay with them through the November election, and he noted that it is allowed.

East Lansing City Manager Robert Belleman commended East Lansing City Clerk Marie Wicks and her team on another successful election. The Aug. 6 statewide primary was the fourth election in 10 months. East Lansing Mayor George Brookover asked about election workers, and it was noted that Michigan-registered voters earn $20/hour as election inspectors; precinct chairs earn $25/hour. For more information and to apply, visit www.cityofeastlansing.com/electioninspectors (https://www.cityofeastlansing.com/1902/Election-Inspectors) .

Belleman also noted for Council that a public listening session would be held on Thursday, Aug. 15 from 4-8 p.m. to hear from community members affected by the flooding events in June and July. Finally, City Manager Belleman thanked East Lansing Public Library Director Kevin King and the East Lansing Police Department for the well-received Touch-a-Truck event on Thursday, Aug. 8.

** 4.1 Further Discussion of City Charter Review Committee
Watch this part of the meeting (https://youtu.be/bOVdAoJLnRs?t=2077) . Council discussed the list of proposed candidates for serving on the City Charter Review Committee, including choice of chair, Council liaison and alternates. View the agenda item report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/384481/Further%20Discussion%20of%20City%20Charter%20Review%20Commi.pdf?handle=9F2872CDB8C94D4FB5E7DB8B0DF7F157) . The motion was approved by a vote of 4-1, with Mayor Brookover, Mayor Pro Tem Singh and Councilmembers Altmann and Meadows voting in favor and East Lansing Councilmember Dana Watson voting nay.

** 4.2 Consideration of Extended Reporting Period Endorsements through Liberty Mutual Insurance Co.
Watch this part of the meeting (https://youtu.be/bOVdAoJLnRs?t=2306) . Council considered a request for an extended reporting period endorsement, or tail coverage, through Liberty Mutual Insurance Company in a combined amount not to exceed $103,970 and authorized the City Manager to sign. City Attorney Tony Chubb explained the need as the City had transitioned from one policy to another. View the agenda item report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/384505/Consideration%20of%20extended%20reporting%20period%20endo.pdf?handle=6B0A7C6FC3C14CD486A8E51EBA38A854) . The motion was approved unanimously.

** 4.3 Change Order with Top Notch Tree Care, LLC for the Tree Services Contract
Watch this part of the meeting (https://youtu.be/bOVdAoJLnRs?t=2527) . Council considered a change order with Top Notch Tree Care, LLC for the tree services contract in the amount of $120,000 and authorized the City Manager to sign. View the agenda item report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/385086/Approve%20a%20change%20order%20with%20Top%20Notch%20Tree%20Care.pdf?handle=AC20DED02FBB4D4C97F8584F56A8FB4E) . The motion was approved unanimously.

** 4.4 Consideration of a Contract for the FY24 Local Roads Project - Walnut Heights
Watch this part of the meeting (https://youtu.be/bOVdAoJLnRs?t=2575) . Council considered a contract with Michigan Paving and Materials for the FY24 Local Roads Project in the Walnut Heights neighborhood in an amount of $387,600 and authorized the City Manager to sign. Mayor Pro Tem Singh clarified that the contractor was not one against whom a complaint had been made. View the agenda item report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/384909/Consideration%20of%20a%20Contract%20with%20Michigan%20Pavin.pdf?handle=216A00FF8CD94B98A7C6EF00B2A6CF53) . The motion was approved unanimously.

** 4.5 Change Order for Additional Services for the Design of the Haslett Road Rehabilitation
Watch this part of the meeting (https://youtu.be/bOVdAoJLnRs?t=2694) . Council considered a change order with Rowe Professional Services Company for additional work associated with the as-needed professional engineering services contract in an amount of $264,164 for the design of the Haslett Road Rehabilitation and authorized the City Manager to sign. View the agenda item report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/385062/Approve%20a%20change%20order%20with%20Rowe%20Professional%20S.pdf?handle=0D31AA77D08D459A9D4B7DE4EC3E79F3) . The motion was approved unanimously.

** 4.6 Contract for the Water Resource Recovery Facility Combined Heat and Power Generator
Watch this part of the meeting (https://youtu.be/bOVdAoJLnRs?t=2926) . Josh Moore was introduced to Council as the new superintendent of the Water Resource Recovery Facility (WRRF). Moore has worked for the City for 19 years and is highly qualified. Council considered a three-year contract with Clarke Energy for services pertaining to the maintenance agreement for the WRRF's combined heat and power generator in an amount not to exceed $700,000 and authorized the City Manager to sign. View the agenda item report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/384971/Approve%203-year%20contract%20with%20Clarke%20Energy%20for%20.pdf?handle=A9BCF587222D4441BD3BF55BD0591B83) . The motion was approved unanimously.

** 4.7 Consideration of Ordinance 1527: Rezoning a 2.29-Acre Vacant Parcel (3512 Coolidge Road)
Watch this part of the meeting (https://youtu.be/bOVdAoJLnRs?t=3159) . Council considered Ordinance 1527: An application from George F. Eyde Family, LLC and Leo Brown Group, LLC to rezone a 2.29-acre vacant parcel, immediately north of and to be combined with 3512 Coolidge Road, from A* (Dewitt Township Agricultural) to B-1 (General Office Business District). View the agenda item report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/384866/Consideration%20of%20Ordinance%201527_%20An%20application.pdf?handle=4DCD923532034AA29FD10BB8D73B7A28) . The motion was approved unanimously.

** 4.8 Consideration of a Request to Construct a Retail Building at 210, 218 & 224 W. Lake Lansing Road
Watch this part of the meeting (https://youtu.be/bOVdAoJLnRs?t=3332) . Council considered a request from Lake Lansing Development (Aqeel Daudi) to construct a single-story multi-tenant retail building at 210, 218 and 224 W. Lake Lansing Road. An earlier version included a drive-through. View the agenda item report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/384870/Consideration%20of%20a%20request%20from%20Lake%20Lansing%20De.pdf?handle=F9518C2A20EB4D7A82A861E4F1CBB685) . The motion was approved on a vote of 4-1 with Mayor Brookover, Mayor Pro Tem Singh and Councilmembers Meadows and Watson voting in favor and Councilmember Altmann voting nay.

** 4.9 Consideration of a Request to Demolish the Convenience Store at 100 E. Saginaw Road
Watch this part of the meeting (https://youtu.be/bOVdAoJLnRs?t=4135) . Council considered a request to demolish the convenience store, fuel pumps and carwash at 100 E. Saginaw Road, and reconstruct a new convenience store and fuel pumps on the location. Council viewed a 360-degree rendering of what the new construction would look like. View the agenda item report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/385045/Consideration%20of%20a%20request%20to%20demolish%20the%20conv.pdf?handle=357B86C1A0D94BCC849CD9033B1F2370) . The motion was unanimously approved.

** 4.10 Consideration of a Revised MOU for the DDA Executive Director Position
Watch this part of the meeting (https://youtu.be/bOVdAoJLnRs?t=5312) . Council considered a revised Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City of East Lansing and the Downtown Development Authority (DDA) for the DDA Executive Director position who would be a City of East Lansing employee. View the agenda item report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/385008/Consideration%20of%20a%20Revised%20Memorandum%20of%20Unders.pdf?handle=653A13C6D5FD4F3BB7E1D11C4566F1D6) . The motion was unanimously approved.

** 4.11 Introduce & Refer to the Housing Commission Ordinance 1538 to Establish the Rental Housing Code
Watch this part of the meeting (https://youtu.be/bOVdAoJLnRs?t=5578) . Council introduced and referred to the Housing Commission Ordinance 1538, a new ordinance to establish the Rental Housing Code. View the agenda item report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/385090/Introduce%20and%20refer%20to%20the%20Housing%20Commission%20O.pdf?handle=0B95B48D04C64C4FAF9B3DAE84B2B6BD) . The motion was unanimously approved.

The meeting was adjourned to closed session at 8:28 p.m.

** Other Items
1. Council approved a resolution acknowledging the 40th anniversary of Haven House. View the agenda item report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/383962/Approve%20a%20resolution%20acknowledging%20the%2040th%20ann.pdf?handle=49D0E40B734A4ECA93A689FA76B2E345) .
2. Council approved a resolution recognizing Freedom to Read Week, Sept. 22-28, 2024. View the agenda item report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/384976/Approve%20a%20resolution%20recognizing%20Freedom%20to%20Rea.pdf?handle=26142425E0124562955316318B472856) .
3. Council approved the renewal of a contract with Utilities Instrumentation Services Inc. for emergency and as-needed instrumentation services for FY2025 in an amount not to exceed $25,000 and authorized the City Manager to sign. View the agenda item report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/383957/Approve%20the%20renewal%20of%20a%20Contract%20with%20Utilitie.pdf?handle=54F7703B37584AACA5D7CA2D75AF866A) .
4. Council approved the renewal of a contract with Newkirk Electric Associates for emergency and as-needed electrical contractor services for FY2025 in an amount not to exceed $40,000 and authorized the City Manager to sign. View the agenda item report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/384428/Approve%20the%20renewal%20of%20a%20contract%20with%20Newkirk%20.pdf?handle=5478D65FF561489ABF634720874395B1) .
5. Council approved a change order with HDR Michigan, Inc. for $24,500 to review June and July storm/flood events and present report to Council; authorized City Manager to sign. View the agenda item report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/385068/Approve%20change%20order%20with%20HDR%20Michigan,%20Inc.%20fo.pdf?handle=9DA02C8B4A0F4F64A866A75B0280DF4B) .
6. Council approved street closures for the MSU Homecoming Parade on Oct. 18, 2024, including: Abbot Road from Burcham Drive to Grand River Avenue from 5:30-7:15 p.m., Grand River Avenue between Abbot Road and Farm Lane from 5:30-7:15 p.m. and seven additional streets listed in this request from 2:30 p.m. to approximately 7:15 p.m. View the agenda item report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/384005/Approve%20street%20closures%20for%20the%20MSU%20Homecoming%20.pdf?handle=A08EAE6877F44F9395FB80C840F0AEBA) .
7. Council approved street closures for the East Lansing High School Homecoming Parade on Friday, Sept. 13, 2024 from 5 to 6:15 p.m. View the agenda item report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/384713/Approve%20street%20closures%20for%20the%20East%20Lansing%20Hi.pdf?handle=69E58DD947DC4B00AEE616B816AC5E4E) .
8. Council approved a second amendment to the lease agreement with Margaret F. Metzger, Kristen E. Metzger and Fabian Enterprises, LLC, for a portion of the Bailey Street parking lot and authorized the City Manager to sign. View the agenda item report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/384860/Approve%20a%20Second%20Amendment%20to%20the%20Lease%20Agreeme.pdf?handle=DED55814644442F991051965D412D5EF) .
9. Council set a date of Sept. 3, 2024 for a public hearing to consider a request from CNP LLC (Matthew Johnson) for approval of a site plan and special use permit for a “stay and play” motel and banquet facility in an existing building at 211 Harrier Drive. This property is zoned R-1, Low-Density Single-Family Residential, with a Clustered Development Plan overlay in effect. View the agenda item report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/384875/Set%20a%20date%20of%20September%203,%202024%20for%20a%20public%20he.pdf?handle=B3D021D71397428A93EA1A1A73D0B577) .
10. Council set a public hearing date of Sept. 3, 2024 to consider Ordinance 1535, amendments to the Zoning Ordinance which define "bed and breakfast." View the agenda item report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/384969/Set%20a%20public%20hearing%20date%20of%20September%203,%202024%20.pdf?handle=17B41A634B3A49F0A56E332CF6DB0639) .
11. Council approved a conditional Class III rental license for an occupancy of up to two unrelated persons or a family at 3979 Thoroughbred Lane. The owner of record is FP Investors, LLC, Royal Oak and the legal agent is Village Green Management, East Lansing. View the agenda item report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/384925/Approve%20a%20conditional%20Class%20III%20rental%20license%20.pdf?handle=278674C7FAF64B49B0BB41B48B5816D6) .
12. Council approved a conditional Class III rental license for an occupancy of up to two unrelated persons or a family at 3939 Thoroughbred Lane. The owner of record is FP Investors, LLC, Royal Oak and the legal agent is Village Green Management, East Lansing. View the agenda item report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/384928/Approve%20a%20conditional%20Class%20III%20rental%20license%20.pdf?handle=C3D22C460C3F4D04A638F6B66DCC64E6) .
13. Council approved a conditional Class III rental license for an occupancy of up to two unrelated persons or a family at 3949 Thoroughbred Lane. The owner of record is FP Investors, LLC, Royal Oak and the legal agent is Village Green Management, East Lansing. View the agenda item report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/384935/Approve%20a%20conditional%20Class%20III%20rental%20license%20.pdf?handle=FFA6C0EF988E41AE8A2D2650FD51F809) .
14. Council approved a conditional Class III rental license for an occupancy of up to two unrelated persons or a family at 3968 Thoroughbred Lane. The owner of record is FP Investors, LLC, Royal Oak and the legal agent is Village Green Management, East Lansing. View the agenda item report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/384941/Approve%20a%20conditional%20Class%20III%20rental%20license%20.pdf?handle=5EEA70C2F9BA4334A3FF11703D1D5E69) .
15. Council approved a conditional Class III rental license for an occupancy of up to two unrelated persons or a family at 446 Palomino Drive. The owner of record is FP Investors, LLC, Royal Oak and the legal agent is Village Green Management, East Lansing. View the agenda item report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/384946/Approve%20a%20conditional%20Class%20III%20rental%20license%20.pdf?handle=3827E15C68FF4237A5C010D48B9453A0) .
16. Council approved a conditional Class III rental license for an occupancy of up to two unrelated persons or a family at 325 Center St. The owner of record is P&E FE LLC, Phoenix, Ariz. and the legal agent is Ed Lewandoski, Scottsdale, Ariz. View the agenda item report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/384951/Approve%20a%20conditional%20Class%20III%20rental%20license%20.pdf?handle=69D78FFAD2454A1E98665CF373C1F149) .

To learn more about all items discussed during the meeting, view the Agenda Packet (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/385114/) (640 pages) and the meeting synopsis (https://www.cityofeastlansing.com/ArchiveCenter/ViewFile/Item/2252) (PDF).

Next Meeting: Tuesday, Sept. 3

** Additional Information

East Lansing City Council meetings take place at the East Lansing Hannah Community Center, 819 Abbot Road at 7 p.m. A remote option for viewing the meetings and providing public comment is offered via the City's public meeting portal (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/Portal/) . The number to call in for public comment is posted at the top of each meeting agenda.


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