** Spring forward this weekend! ------------------------------------------------------------ Daylight saving time begins on Sunday, March 9. Michigan State University spring break ends on Monday, March 10.
** City Council Recap ------------------------------------------------------------ On Tuesday, March 4, the East Lansing City Council met and took the following actions: * Appointed Rafael Villares to the Art Selection Panel (https://www.cityofeastlansing.com/412/Art-Selection-Panel) . * Approved a Global Positioning System (GPS) unit for the Engineering Department. * Approved funds for the Rivers and Waters Edge sewer district improvements. * Approved a two-year service agreement with CBIZ Benefits and Insurance Services, Inc. under GASB No. 75. * Approved a street closure request for the Izzo Legacy Run/Walk/Roll 5K on April 27. * Approved a street closure request for the East Lansing Art Festival from May 16-18. * Approved a letter of support for the 333 Valley Court redevelopment project. * Approved a request to defer the vote on a special use permit for 213 Ann St. Inc. to the March 18 Council meeting. * Held a public hearing to consider a special use request from The Morning Post and D'nulffos, 1351 E. Grand River Ave., for alcohol service and a modified patio. * Approved a request to hire two additional Parking and Code Enforcement (PACE) officers. * Approved a contract for as-need surveying services. * Approved a cost sharing agreement with the Michigan Department of Transportation for the Harrison Road Bridge Deck Reconstruction Project. * Approved changes to Ordinance 1339 (Percent for Art) as requested by the Arts Commission. * Approved a notice of intent to issue revenue bonds for improvements at the Water Resource Recovery Facility and improvements to the sewer collection system. * Approved a request to amend business license fees. **Note: This action does not mean businesses will receive a bill now.**
See below for more information about items considered by City Council at this week's meeting.
To watch the entire meeting, visit the City's YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bn8gBqfCoo) and subscribe to receive notifications when new videos are posted. To read the meeting agenda and related documents, visit the website (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/Portal/MeetingInformation.aspx?Org=Cal&Id=8782) .
Council will next meet on Tuesday, March 11, for a discussion-only meeting.
** Public Hearing: Special Use Permit ------------------------------------------------------------ A public hearing was held by City Council on March 4 to consider a request from Arnulfo Ramirez of Los Tres Amigos - Brookfield LLC. The special use permit requested by the applicant would allow for alteration of the interior spaces of two new restaurants in one building at 1351 E. Grand River Ave. The property is in Brookfield Plaza at Hagadorn Road and Grand River Avenue.
The Morning Post (https://themorningpostel.com/) is in the front of the building and already open for breakfast from 8 a.m.-2 p.m. each day. The adjoining business, at the back of the building, is D'nulffos Seafood and Chophouse (https://dnulffos.com/) . The proposed hours for that restaurant are expected to be 5 p.m.-midnight Wednesday through Saturday with a request to allow special occasion operation until 2 a.m.
The proposed special use request would allow for alcohol service in the existing building and a modified patio.
Council will next consider the request at its March 18 regular meeting.
** Save the Date for the East Lansing Art Festival in May ------------------------------------------------------------ At the March 4 meeting, City Council approved a street closure request for the East Lansing Art Festival. The festival, now in its 62nd year, will take place on Saturday, May 17, and Sunday, May 18, drawing as many as 200 artists from across the U.S. Street closures will begin on Friday, May 16, for festival setup.
Closures will include: * The Bailey surface lot * Albert Avenue from the east edge of the entrance to the Albert Avenue Garage to the Bailey Street intersection * M.A.C. Avenue from the south edge of the Marriott entrance to the Grand River Avenue intersection * Grove Street from the south edge of the entrance to 7-Eleven
For more information, visit www.elartfest.com/ or follow @ELArtFest (https://www.instagram.com/elartfest/) . https://www.izzolegacy.org/Race/TheIzzoLegacy/Page/TheIzzoRunWalkRoll
** Izzo Legacy Race is Coming to Town April 27 ------------------------------------------------------------
At the March 4 meeting, City Council approved a street closure request for the Izzo Run/Walk/Roll on Sunday, April 27.
While the majority of the course route will be on the campus of Michigan State University, a portion will require the closure of southbound Bogue Street at Waters Edge Drive and northbound Bogue Street at Auditorium Road. This section of roadway will be closed from 6 a.m.-1 p.m. on race day.
Proceeds from the Izzo Run/Walk/Roll benefit local organizations, raising over $750,000 since 2019.
Learn more at runsignup.com/Race/MI/EastLansing/TheIzzo.
** Battle of the Businesses: Who Will Win??? ------------------------------------------------------------ Hosted by the East Lansing Downtown Management Board (DMB), the Battle of the Businesses Bracket Challenge features downtown businesses in a lineup similar to the NCAA March Madness tournament.
A kickoff event will be held from 5-7 p.m. next Friday, March 14, at Ann Street Plaza at the intersection of M.A.C. and Albert avenues. Come downtown to win a free $15 Daytime Nighttime Anytime (DNA) eGift card while supplies last; try out a new downtown East Lansing business; and play inflatable basketball and other yard games such as cornhole!
HOW IT WORKS: * Participants can fill out their brackets at https://commoninja.site/battleofbusiness. * Community members then vote for their favorite downtown East Lansing businesses via polls on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/DowntownEastLansing) and Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/downtowneastlansing/) , starting Thursday, March 20. The winning business from each poll will then advance to the next round. * Each bracket will be scored according to a point system. A correct Round 1 matchup will be worth one point, Round 2 will be worth two points and so on, with a correct finals matchup worth six points. * The individual who most accurately predicts the outcome will win a $300 Downtown East Lansing eGift Card. * Second place will earn a $200 Downtown East Lansing eGift Card. * Third place will win a $100 Downtown East Lansing eGift Card. * Bracket submissions must be received by 11:59 p.m. on Monday, March 17, to be included and eligible for prizes. * Winners will be announced Tuesday, April 8, and contacted via the email provided when their bracket was first submitted.
** “This campaign isn’t just about friendly competition, it’s a celebration of all that our downtown community has to offer.” ------------------------------------------------------------ Learn more about the DMB’s DNA eGift card program, including a list of participating businesses, at www.cityofeastlansing.com/2134/Downtown-eGift-Card-Program.
** Road to Restoration Driver's License Clinic ------------------------------------------------------------ East Lansing’s 54B District Court will be participating in the third Lansing-area Road to Restoration driver’s license clinic from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. on Tuesday, March 11, at Union Missionary Baptist Church, 500 S. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, Lansing.
Registration is recommended to guarantee a chance to speak with expert staff from the Michigan Department of State and volunteer attorneys. Walk-ins will be accepted from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. only and will be subject to capacity limits.
Road to Restoration is intended to assist Michigan residents in understanding how to get their driving privileges restored. Residents will meet one-on-one with staff and attorneys to determine the necessary steps to reinstate their driver’s license. Services available will include reviewing driving records, paying fines and fees to court, obtaining an administrative hearing application and taking a written driving test, if eligible. Automatic license reinstatement is not guaranteed at the clinic.
Any resident with a restricted or suspended Michigan driver’s license may attend. Residents whose license is revoked because of multiple alcohol or substance-related driving offenses or felony driving offenses can attend the clinic to learn more about the process of applying for a license reinstatement administrative hearing. However, the clinic does not offer expungement services or hearings for those violations.
For more information, visit www.michigan.gov/r2r (https://www.michigan.gov/sos/license-id/Road-to-Restoration) .
** Public Art Gallery Welcomes Rina Risper ------------------------------------------------------------ This month, the East Lansing Public Art Gallery welcomes Rina "RiRi" Risper for a solo exhibition. The exhibit is titled, “The Art of Knitting, Poetry, Quilting and Stitching” and it opens with a reception at 1 p.m. this Saturday (March 8). The exhibit runs through Monday, March 31.
The East Lansing Public Art Gallery (https://cityofeastlansing.us17.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d99498ce3806962a5ede26662&id=c790b072cc&e=ddc3a88b05) is located on the second floor of the East Lansing Hannah Community Center, 819 Abbot Road. Admission is free and open to all.
THANK YOU, WKAR (https://www.wkar.org/wkar-news/2025-03-03/three-generations-of-art-featured-in-east-lansing-exhibit) for visiting last month's exhibit, "Echoes of Artistic Expression." Read more about this extra special exhibit here: www.wkar.org (https://www.wkar.org/wkar-news/2025-03-03/three-generations-of-art-featured-in-east-lansing-exhibit) . Master of Fine Arts Exhibition installation view at the Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum at Michigan State University from 2024. Photo by Vincent Morse/MSU Broad Art Museum.
** New Broad Art Musuem Exhibit Starts This Weekend ------------------------------------------------------------ The 2025 Master of Fine Arts Exhibition returns to the Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum at Michigan State University on Saturday, March 8.
The exhibition is the culmination of the MSU Department of Art, Art History and Design’s three-year program in which artists explore their creative practice with the support of their faculty committee. This year's exhibition features three MFA degree candidates: Claire E. Heiney, Morgan Reneé Hill and Megan Weaver.
The MSU Broad Art Museum is open from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Wednesday-Saturday. Admission is always free. Learn more at broadmuseum.msu.edu (https://broadmuseum.msu.edu/exhibition/2025-master-of-fine-arts-exhibition/) .
** Two Weeks Left for Ukrainian Art of Freedom Exhibit ------------------------------------------------------------ (SCENE) Metrospace, 110 Charles St., in Downtown East Lansing is hosting "RESISTANCE: Ukrainian Art of Freedom" through Friday, March 21.
The exhibit explores the theme of identity transformations and decolonizing practices in Ukrainian art as seen through the lens of cultural resistance.
Artists featured in the exhibit are Yevgenia Belorusets, Alevtina Kakhidze, Piotr Armianovski, Lesia Khomenko, Maria Kulikovska, Olia Mykhailiuk, Mykola Ridnyi, Elena Subach and Serhiy Zhadan. The exhibit was curated by Svitlana Biedarieva.
Learn more at https://art.msu.edu/2025/02/25/resistance-ukrainian-art-of-freedom/.
The gallery is open noon-5 p.m. from Thursday to Sunday, and admission is free. https://elpl.bibliocommons.com/events/679bfef15ca5ec68c1c428d5 The East Lansing Public Library (ELPL) is holding a party and everyone is invited! Come learn more about the Library's new strategic plan from 3-6 p.m. on Monday, March 17. Additional information here (https://elpl.bibliocommons.com/events/679bfef15ca5ec68c1c428d5) .
Kick off National Library Week at the ELPL with an author visit from Curtis Chin. The Library will give away copies of his book, "Everything I Learned, I Learned in a Chinese Restaurant" to the first 50 attendees. Learn more here (https://elpl.bibliocommons.com/events/67bd1af3bd7c6c2800fcf0ed) .
Get tickets here (https://elpl.bibliocommons.com/events/67bd1c5fbd7c6c2800fcf11b?fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAaZBWPKxKYB0Dw8_d6_ILTfDNAewoV_V_KYTDdtAOgg4L2i75gxxxewHtZI_aem_80ckBlR38UrNW3Hgv8d4kw) for the Library's largest fundraiser of the year, Books, Bites & Bids, to be held on Friday, April 11.
** Next Week's Meetings ------------------------------------------------------------ Monday, March 10 * 1-5 p.m. Board of Review, East Lansing City Hall, 410 Abbot Road * 6-9 p.m. Board of Review, City Hall, 410 Abbot Road * 7 p.m. Human Rights Commission, East Lansing Hannah Community Center (ELHCC), 819 Abbot Road
Tuesday, March 11 * 9 a.m.-noon Board of Review, City Hall, 410 Abbot Road * Noon Downtown Development Authority, ELHCC, 819 Abbot Road * 1-5 p.m. Board of Review, City Hall, 410 Abbot Road * 5:15 p.m. University Student Commission, City Hall, 410 Abbot Road * 7 p.m. City Council Discussion Only Meeting, ELHCC
Wednesday, March 12 * 7 p.m. Planning Commission meeting & public hearing, ELHCC, 819 Abbot Road
Thursday, March 13 * 6 p.m. Historic District Commission & public hearing, ELHCC, 819 Abbot Road
************************************************************************** * View meeting agendas and verify meeting dates, times and locations via cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/portal (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/portal/) . * Serve on a Board or Commission! Apply for a vacancy at cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/Portal/BoardApplication/.
You made it to the end! Thank you for reading this issue. If this was forwarded to your email or you are reading it on the website, and you would like to receive it in your email inbox each week on Friday morning, visit cityofeastlansing.com/enews (https://www.cityofeastlansing.com/1865/Subscribe-to-the-Citys-E-Newsletters) to subscribe. There is no cost to subscribe and you may opt out at any time.
For questions or comments about this issue, help with subscribing or to suggest a news story, email Communications Director Carrie Sampson at csampson@cityofeastlansing.com (mailto:csampson@cityofeastlansing.com?subject=E-Dialog%20) .
Our mailing address is: City of East Lansing 410 Abbot Road East Lansing, MI 48823 USA Want to change how you receive these emails? You can ** update your preferences (https://cityofeastlansing.us17.list-manage.com/profile?u=d99498ce3806962a5ede26662&id=2448aac30f&e=6bb0e1b589&c=6723aa1532) or ** unsubscribe from this list (https://cityofeastlansing.us17.list-manage.com/unsubscribe?u=d99498ce3806962a5ede26662&id=2448aac30f&t=b&e=6bb0e1b589&c=6723aa1532) . Email Marketing Powered by Mailchimp https://login.mailchimp.com/signup/email-referral/?aid=d99498ce3806962a5ede26662
Daylight saving time begins on Sunday, March 9.
Michigan State University spring break ends on Monday, March 10.
** City Council Recap
On Tuesday, March 4, the East Lansing City Council met and took the following actions:
* Appointed Rafael Villares to the Art Selection Panel (https://www.cityofeastlansing.com/412/Art-Selection-Panel) .
* Approved a Global Positioning System (GPS) unit for the Engineering Department.
* Approved funds for the Rivers and Waters Edge sewer district improvements.
* Approved a two-year service agreement with CBIZ Benefits and Insurance Services, Inc. under GASB No. 75.
* Approved a street closure request for the Izzo Legacy Run/Walk/Roll 5K on April 27.
* Approved a street closure request for the East Lansing Art Festival from May 16-18.
* Approved a letter of support for the 333 Valley Court redevelopment project.
* Approved a request to defer the vote on a special use permit for 213 Ann St. Inc. to the March 18 Council meeting.
* Held a public hearing to consider a special use request from The Morning Post and D'nulffos, 1351 E. Grand River Ave., for alcohol service and a modified patio.
* Approved a request to hire two additional Parking and Code Enforcement (PACE) officers.
* Approved a contract for as-need surveying services.
* Approved a cost sharing agreement with the Michigan Department of Transportation for the Harrison Road Bridge Deck Reconstruction Project.
* Approved changes to Ordinance 1339 (Percent for Art) as requested by the Arts Commission.
* Approved a notice of intent to issue revenue bonds for improvements at the Water Resource Recovery Facility and improvements to the sewer collection system.
* Approved a request to amend business license fees. **Note: This action does not mean businesses will receive a bill now.**
See below for more information about items considered by City Council at this week's meeting.
To watch the entire meeting, visit the City's YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bn8gBqfCoo) and subscribe to receive notifications when new videos are posted. To read the meeting agenda and related documents, visit the website (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/Portal/MeetingInformation.aspx?Org=Cal&Id=8782) .
Council will next meet on Tuesday, March 11, for a discussion-only meeting.
** Public Hearing: Special Use Permit
A public hearing was held by City Council on March 4 to consider a request from Arnulfo Ramirez of Los Tres Amigos - Brookfield LLC. The special use permit requested by the applicant would allow for alteration of the interior spaces of two new restaurants in one building at 1351 E. Grand River Ave. The property is in Brookfield Plaza at Hagadorn Road and Grand River Avenue.
The Morning Post (https://themorningpostel.com/) is in the front of the building and already open for breakfast from 8 a.m.-2 p.m. each day. The adjoining business, at the back of the building, is D'nulffos Seafood and Chophouse (https://dnulffos.com/) . The proposed hours for that restaurant are expected to be 5 p.m.-midnight Wednesday through Saturday with a request to allow special occasion operation until 2 a.m.
The proposed special use request would allow for alcohol service in the existing building and a modified patio.
Council will next consider the request at its March 18 regular meeting.
** Save the Date for the East Lansing Art Festival in May
At the March 4 meeting, City Council approved a street closure request for the East Lansing Art Festival. The festival, now in its 62nd year, will take place on Saturday, May 17, and Sunday, May 18, drawing as many as 200 artists from across the U.S. Street closures will begin on Friday, May 16, for festival setup.
Closures will include:
* The Bailey surface lot
* Albert Avenue from the east edge of the entrance to the Albert Avenue Garage to the Bailey Street intersection
* M.A.C. Avenue from the south edge of the Marriott entrance to the Grand River Avenue intersection
* Grove Street from the south edge of the entrance to 7-Eleven
For more information, visit www.elartfest.com/ or follow @ELArtFest (https://www.instagram.com/elartfest/) .
** Izzo Legacy Race is Coming to Town April 27
At the March 4 meeting, City Council approved a street closure request for the Izzo Run/Walk/Roll on Sunday, April 27.
While the majority of the course route will be on the campus of Michigan State University, a portion will require the closure of southbound Bogue Street at Waters Edge Drive and northbound Bogue Street at Auditorium Road. This section of roadway will be closed from 6 a.m.-1 p.m. on race day.
Proceeds from the Izzo Run/Walk/Roll benefit local organizations, raising over $750,000 since 2019.
Learn more at runsignup.com/Race/MI/EastLansing/TheIzzo.
** Battle of the Businesses: Who Will Win???
Hosted by the East Lansing Downtown Management Board (DMB), the Battle of the Businesses Bracket Challenge features downtown businesses in a lineup similar to the NCAA March Madness tournament.
A kickoff event will be held from 5-7 p.m. next Friday, March 14, at Ann Street Plaza at the intersection of M.A.C. and Albert avenues. Come downtown to win a free $15 Daytime Nighttime Anytime (DNA) eGift card while supplies last; try out a new downtown East Lansing business; and play inflatable basketball and other yard games such as cornhole!
* Participants can fill out their brackets at https://commoninja.site/battleofbusiness.
* Community members then vote for their favorite downtown East Lansing businesses via polls on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/DowntownEastLansing) and Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/downtowneastlansing/) , starting Thursday, March 20. The winning business from each poll will then advance to the next round.
* Each bracket will be scored according to a point system. A correct Round 1 matchup will be worth one point, Round 2 will be worth two points and so on, with a correct finals matchup worth six points.
* The individual who most accurately predicts the outcome will win a $300 Downtown East Lansing eGift Card.
* Second place will earn a $200 Downtown East Lansing eGift Card.
* Third place will win a $100 Downtown East Lansing eGift Card.
* Bracket submissions must be received by 11:59 p.m. on Monday, March 17, to be included and eligible for prizes.
* Winners will be announced Tuesday, April 8, and contacted via the email provided when their bracket was first submitted.
** “This campaign isn’t just about friendly competition, it’s a celebration of all that our downtown community has to offer.”
Learn more about the DMB’s DNA eGift card program, including a list of participating businesses, at www.cityofeastlansing.com/2134/Downtown-eGift-Card-Program.
** Road to Restoration Driver's License Clinic
East Lansing’s 54B District Court will be participating in the third Lansing-area Road to Restoration driver’s license clinic from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. on Tuesday, March 11, at Union Missionary Baptist Church, 500 S. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, Lansing.
Registration is recommended to guarantee a chance to speak with expert staff from the Michigan Department of State and volunteer attorneys. Walk-ins will be accepted from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. only and will be subject to capacity limits.
Road to Restoration is intended to assist Michigan residents in understanding how to get their driving privileges restored. Residents will meet one-on-one with staff and attorneys to determine the necessary steps to reinstate their driver’s license. Services available will include reviewing driving records, paying fines and fees to court, obtaining an administrative hearing application and taking a written driving test, if eligible. Automatic license reinstatement is not guaranteed at the clinic.
Any resident with a restricted or suspended Michigan driver’s license may attend. Residents whose license is revoked because of multiple alcohol or substance-related driving offenses or felony driving offenses can attend the clinic to learn more about the process of applying for a license reinstatement administrative hearing. However, the clinic does not offer expungement services or hearings for those violations.
For more information, visit www.michigan.gov/r2r (https://www.michigan.gov/sos/license-id/Road-to-Restoration) .
** Public Art Gallery Welcomes Rina Risper
This month, the East Lansing Public Art Gallery welcomes Rina "RiRi" Risper for a solo exhibition. The exhibit is titled, “The Art of Knitting, Poetry, Quilting and Stitching” and it opens with a reception at 1 p.m. this Saturday (March 8). The exhibit runs through Monday, March 31.
The East Lansing Public Art Gallery (https://cityofeastlansing.us17.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d99498ce3806962a5ede26662&id=c790b072cc&e=ddc3a88b05) is located on the second floor of the East Lansing Hannah Community Center, 819 Abbot Road. Admission is free and open to all.
THANK YOU, WKAR (https://www.wkar.org/wkar-news/2025-03-03/three-generations-of-art-featured-in-east-lansing-exhibit) for visiting last month's exhibit, "Echoes of Artistic Expression." Read more about this extra special exhibit here: www.wkar.org (https://www.wkar.org/wkar-news/2025-03-03/three-generations-of-art-featured-in-east-lansing-exhibit) .
Master of Fine Arts Exhibition installation view at the Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum at Michigan State University from 2024. Photo by Vincent Morse/MSU Broad Art Museum.
** New Broad Art Musuem Exhibit Starts This Weekend
The 2025 Master of Fine Arts Exhibition returns to the Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum at Michigan State University on Saturday, March 8.
The exhibition is the culmination of the MSU Department of Art, Art History and Design’s three-year program in which artists explore their creative practice with the support of their faculty committee. This year's exhibition features three MFA degree candidates: Claire E. Heiney, Morgan Reneé Hill and Megan Weaver.
The MSU Broad Art Museum is open from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Wednesday-Saturday. Admission is always free. Learn more at broadmuseum.msu.edu (https://broadmuseum.msu.edu/exhibition/2025-master-of-fine-arts-exhibition/) .
** Two Weeks Left for Ukrainian Art of Freedom Exhibit
(SCENE) Metrospace, 110 Charles St., in Downtown East Lansing is hosting "RESISTANCE: Ukrainian Art of Freedom" through Friday, March 21.
The exhibit explores the theme of identity transformations and decolonizing practices in Ukrainian art as seen through the lens of cultural resistance.
Artists featured in the exhibit are Yevgenia Belorusets, Alevtina Kakhidze, Piotr Armianovski, Lesia Khomenko, Maria Kulikovska, Olia Mykhailiuk, Mykola Ridnyi, Elena Subach and Serhiy Zhadan. The exhibit was curated by Svitlana Biedarieva.
Learn more at https://art.msu.edu/2025/02/25/resistance-ukrainian-art-of-freedom/.
The gallery is open noon-5 p.m. from Thursday to Sunday, and admission is free.
The East Lansing Public Library (ELPL) is holding a party and everyone is invited! Come learn more about the Library's new strategic plan from 3-6 p.m. on Monday, March 17. Additional information here (https://elpl.bibliocommons.com/events/679bfef15ca5ec68c1c428d5) .
Kick off National Library Week at the ELPL with an author visit from Curtis Chin. The Library will give away copies of his book, "Everything I Learned, I Learned in a Chinese Restaurant" to the first 50 attendees. Learn more here (https://elpl.bibliocommons.com/events/67bd1af3bd7c6c2800fcf0ed) .
Get tickets here (https://elpl.bibliocommons.com/events/67bd1c5fbd7c6c2800fcf11b?fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAaZBWPKxKYB0Dw8_d6_ILTfDNAewoV_V_KYTDdtAOgg4L2i75gxxxewHtZI_aem_80ckBlR38UrNW3Hgv8d4kw) for the Library's largest fundraiser of the year, Books, Bites & Bids, to be held on Friday, April 11.
** Next Week's Meetings
Monday, March 10
* 1-5 p.m. Board of Review, East Lansing City Hall, 410 Abbot Road
* 6-9 p.m. Board of Review, City Hall, 410 Abbot Road
* 7 p.m. Human Rights Commission, East Lansing Hannah Community Center (ELHCC), 819 Abbot Road
Tuesday, March 11
* 9 a.m.-noon Board of Review, City Hall, 410 Abbot Road
* Noon Downtown Development Authority, ELHCC, 819 Abbot Road
* 1-5 p.m. Board of Review, City Hall, 410 Abbot Road
* 5:15 p.m. University Student Commission, City Hall, 410 Abbot Road
* 7 p.m. City Council Discussion Only Meeting, ELHCC
Wednesday, March 12
* 7 p.m. Planning Commission meeting & public hearing, ELHCC, 819 Abbot Road
Thursday, March 13
* 6 p.m. Historic District Commission & public hearing, ELHCC, 819 Abbot Road
* View meeting agendas and verify meeting dates, times and locations via
cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/portal (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/portal/) .
* Serve on a Board or Commission! Apply for a vacancy at cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/Portal/BoardApplication/.
You made it to the end! Thank you for reading this issue. If this was forwarded to your email or you are reading it on the website, and you would like to receive it in your email inbox each week on Friday morning, visit cityofeastlansing.com/enews (https://www.cityofeastlansing.com/1865/Subscribe-to-the-Citys-E-Newsletters) to subscribe. There is no cost to subscribe and you may opt out at any time.
For questions or comments about this issue, help with subscribing or to suggest a news story, email Communications Director Carrie Sampson at csampson@cityofeastlansing.com (mailto:csampson@cityofeastlansing.com?subject=E-Dialog%20) .
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East Lansing, MI 48823
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