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East Lansing City Council Meeting Recap 1/23/24

East Lansing City Council Meeting Recap 1/23/24

** Thanks for reading!

The East Lansing City Council Recap is sent after regular, discussion-only and special City Council meetings. View the 2024 meeting schedule here (https://cityofeastlansing.com/DocumentCenter/View/14120/2024-City-Council-meeting-schedule-PDF) . Readers are encouraged to contact the East Lansing City Manager's Office with questions at (517) 319-6920.

The City of East Lansing occupies the ancestral, traditional and contemporary lands of the Anishinaabeg – Three Fires Confederacy of Ojibwe, Odawa and Potawatomi peoples land ceded in the 1819 Treaty of Saginaw.
East Lansing Police Chief Kim Johnson (right) introduced new Deputy Chief Jennifer Brown (left) and Officers Jordyn Willis, Logan Wainman and Colin Lemere in a special presentation at the Jan. 23 City Council meeting.

** Highlights from the Jan. 23 Meeting
The East Lansing City Council met on Tuesday, Jan. 23 at the East Lansing Hannah Community Center (ELHCC) for a regular meeting. Watch the meeting from the beginning (https://youtu.be/XOVH5Orb5QA?t=559) .

During communications from Councilmembers, East Lansing Mayor Pro Tem Kerry Ebersole Singh thanked East Lansing City Manager Robert Belleman and City staff for their preparation of the strategic priorities at the discussion-only meeting the previous week and at the work session on Saturday, Jan. 20.

** 5.1 Consideration of a Request to Construct a New Car Wash at 2110 Merritt Road
Watch this part of the meeting (https://youtu.be/XOVH5Orb5QA?t=4703) . Mister Carwash has requested special use and site plan approval to construct a new car wash with associated vacuums and parking at 2110 Merritt Road. At the Jan. 9 public hearing, Councilmembers requested additional time to view renderings and to consider if a traffic signal is warranted at the intersection of Park Lake Road and the south access drive that has been installed for this development. Neither the traffic impact assessment nor the City's engineering review recommend a signal at this location. View the Agenda Item Report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/371767/Consideration%20of%20a%20request%20to%20construct%20a%20new%20~.pdf?handle=256C4FAFC94C4872A176D20E15E2DF55) . East Lansing Councilmember Mark Meadows moved approval, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Ebersole Singh and thepassed unanimously.

** 5.2 Consideration of Ordinance 1525 to Rezone 730 Grove St.
Watch this part of the meeting (https://youtu.be/XOVH5Orb5QA?t=5609) . Michael Zawacki has requested approval to rezone the property at 730 Grove St. from R2 Medium Density Single-Family Residential to RM32 City Center Multiple Family Residential. Public concern about this request focused on the potential for intense development that may be enabled by such a rezoning. The applicant is seeking to change the zoning to facilitate use of the property as a bed & breakfast (Class B rental). View the agenda item report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/371913/Consideration%20of%20Ordinance%201525_%20A%20request%20to%20r.pdf?handle=01283F8D40B347AB926061CF0B365919) . Councilmember Meadows moved approval, seconded by East Lansing Councilmember Dana Watson; however, the motion was defeated in a 4-to-1 vote with Councilmember Watson the sole vote in favor of approval.

** 5.3 Consideration of a Request to Demolish and Reconstruct the Property at 100 E. Saginaw St.
Watch this part of the meeting (https://youtu.be/XOVH5Orb5QA?t=6255) . American Gas & Oil has requested a site plan and special use permit approval to demolish the convenience store, gas pumps and carwash at 100 E. Saginaw St. and reconstruct a new convenience store and gas pumps. View the agenda item report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/371930/Consideration%20of%20a%20request%20to%20demolish%20the%20conv.pdf?handle=6DAC5642B7F949749C592D0BA00FDD2C) . The motion failed with East Lansing Mayor George Brookover and East Lansing Councilmembers Erik Altmann and Meadows voting no and Mayor Pro Tem Ebersole Singh and Councilmember Watson voting in favor of it.

** 5.4 Consideration of Lane Conversion on Hagadorn Road from Grand River Avenue to Burcham Drive
Watch this part of the meeting (https://youtu.be/XOVH5Orb5QA?t=7627) . The proposed reconfiguration of Hagadorn Road from Grand River Avenue to Burcham Drive would reduce the travel lanes from four to three, with the addition of bike lanes in both directions and the installation of two pedestrian crossings. This configuration was identified in the City’s Non-Motorized Transportation Plan from 2011. The intersection of Hagadorn Road and Grand River Avenue is the most dangerous intersection in the City. The proposed lane reconfiguration will not change the intersection or the signal. View the agenda item report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/371995/Consideration%20of%20the%204%20to%203%20lane%20conversion,%20an.pdf?handle=96E50AE9C2684FA88040000ED6A02EB3) . Councilmember Altmann moved approval, seconded by Councilmember Meadows and passed unanimously.

** 5.5 Consideration of the Michigan Department of Transportation's Request to Modify Trowbridge Road
Watch this part of the meeting (https://youtu.be/XOVH5Orb5QA?t=9672) . The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is investing $204 million along US 127 from I-96 to I-496, to improve safety and increase mobility. During the development of MDOT’s plans, two changes to Trowbridge Road were included to improve safety, including the removal of the Arbor Drive median cut-through for eastbound movement and the Palmer Road indirect left for eastbound movement. View the agenda item report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/372039/Consideration%20of%20the%20Michigan%20Department%20of%20Tra.pdf?handle=2F2004CBB0A24E9990F00982EE1AEBDA) . The motion was approved with Mayor Brookover, Mayor Pro Tem Ebersole Singh and Councilmember Watson voting in favor and Councilmembers Altmann and Meadows voting no.

** 5.6 Consideration of a Resolution to Reappoint an Age Friendly Communities Steering Committee
Watch this part of the meeting (https://youtu.be/XOVH5Orb5QA?t=13316) . Council considered a resolution to reappoint a steering committee for the purposes of reviewing and recommending action steps in the implementation of East Lansing's 2020 Age Friendly Communities Action Plan. View the agenda item report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/371937/Approve%20a%20resolution%20to%20reappoint%20a%20steering%20co.pdf?handle=950BBC7BD8AB420CAA63238FEF7F6FC1) .

Council was adjourned to Closed Session at 10:39 p.m.

** Other Items
1. Council approved the following appointments or reappointments to Boards and Commissions:
+ Scott Schrager to the Board of Review for a full term ending December 31, 2026
+ Kathy Bouchard-Wyant to the Seniors Commission for a full term ending December 31, 2026
+ Brandon Canty to the University Student Commission for a partial term ending September 30, 2024
+ Katlyn SaLoutos to the University Student Commission for a full term ending December 31, 2024
+ James Ohman to the University Student Commission for a full term ending December 31, 2024
2. Council approved resolution for participation in Ingham County Payment Reduction Program. View the agenda item report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/371999/Approve%20resolution%20for%20participation%20in%20Ingham%20.pdf?handle=295931E592D94A1091772588DFF5F4E1) .
3. Council approved a contract with Hamp, Mathews & Associates, Inc. to perform the annual Burcham Park Landfill monitoring in the amount of $61,200 and authorized the City Manager to sign. View the agenda item report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/371903/Approve%20a%20contract%20with%20Hamp,%20Mathews%20_%20Associa.pdf?handle=C5A2639C0F184B48AE9DB7340ECCEC4C) .
4. Council set a public hearing for Feb. 20, 2024 to consider a site plan for the proposed addition of parking and other site improvements at 2111 Merritt Road. View the agenda item report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/371946/Set%20a%20public%20hearing%20of%20February%2020,%202024%20to%20co.pdf?handle=B356E7AB83504FF88270E8D7DB962160) .
5. Council approved a contract with Axon Enterprise, Inc. to replace the camera system in the Police Department Interview Room in the amount of $44,522.40 and authorized the City Manager to sign. View the agenda item report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/372005/Approve%20contract%20with%20Axon%20Enterprise,%20Inc.%20to%20.pdf?handle=1682B27AE7F6497CB380919C870EB93B) .
6. Council approved a funding request for up to $80,000 to execute an evaluation of existing Library Audiovisual Technology and improve, replace or upgrade those devices based on the evaluation. View the agenda item report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/372145/Approve%20a%20funding%20request%20for%20up%20to%20$80,000%20to%20.pdf?handle=509CBB611C174286BB0D6E9132D43848) .

To learn more about all items discussed during the meeting, view the Agenda Packet (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/372181/) (1,056 pages).
Next Meeting: Tuesday, Feb. 6

** Additional Information

East Lansing City Council meetings take place at the East Lansing Hannah Community Center, 819 Abbot Road at 7 p.m. A remote option for viewing the meetings and providing public comment is offered via the City's public meeting portal (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/Portal/) . The number to call in for public comment is posted at the top of each meeting agenda.


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