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E-Dialog News for Feb. 7

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** Register for Next Week's Sweetheart Ball
Community members are invited to attend this year's Sweetheart Ball! The special family event will be held from 7-8:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 12 and Thursday, Feb. 13 at the East Lansing Hannah Community Center (ELHCC), 819 Abbot Road.

Activities will include a DJ, dancing, snacks and refreshments, a photo booth, craft table and more! Semiformal or dress attire is recommended.

Register online here (https://mieastlansingweb.myvscloud.com/webtrac/web/search.html?Action=Start&SubAction=&_csrf_token=fc6R6T5V1T03212C274M414O5O56594Q0D5W5P4D6L095B3Y4B521J035U72546T4Q4N6H5J095T4B5U3Y0100626H5E006J3L6L50665X5Y65486B5L4O5G4V0M715F5M&type=SPEVT&keyword=&timeblock=&spotsavailable=&display=Detail&module=ar&multiselectlist_value=&arwebsearch_noresultsbutton=yes) . Advanced registration can also be done by calling (517) 333-2580 ext. 0 or in person at the ELHCC. Cost is $15 per person.
The East Lansing City Council met on Tuesday, Feb. 4 for a regular meeting. Among the items on the agenda for this meeting were the following:
* Council held a public hearing to consider a special use request (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/396451/A%20public%20hearing%20to%20consider%20a%20special%20use%20requ.pdf?handle=928598AA4D3D4BB0A17610C733E7589C) from 213 Ann St. Inc. to expand the FieldHouse sports bar into adjacent suite B with alcohol service and convert vacant suite C into a pizza shop.
* Council approved the appointments of Leslie Wilbur, Gabriel Biber and Nina Silbergleit to the City's Arts Commission (https://www.cityofeastlansing.com/349/Arts-Commission) and Scott Sowulewski and Ryan Putz to the City's Planning Commission (https://www.cityofeastlansing.com/616/Planning-Commission) . All will serve full terms ending Dec. 31, 2027.
* Council approved a resolution directing the City Manager to undertake a decennial review. What's this? At least every 10 years, Council directs the review of the City's Code to consider any amendments or repeals that might be recommended. The last review was in 2013. More info here (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/396431/Adoption%20of%20a%20Resolution%20Directing%20City%20Manager.pdf?handle=E58BEF0ACE52478D9C526453AC9D0FE2) .
* Council set a public hearing for March 4 to consider a request for a special use permit at 1351 E. Grand River Ave. to alter the interior spaces of The Morning Post and D'nulffos with alcohol service and a modified patio.
* Council held a public hearing to consider a substantial amendment to East Lansing's FY2025 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) budget. This change would reallocate funding to provide security deposit and first month rent assistance to low-to-moderate income households. Learn more about the CDBG Successful Leasing Program here (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/396304/Consideration%20of%20a%20Substantial%20Amendment%20to%20Eas.pdf?handle=0B5146FA63F244129F08037FB766C003) .
* Council deferred consideration of amending business license fees for amusement/video arcade, dance hall, entertainment, restaurant and take out stores until the March 4 Council meeting.
* Council approved a contract to construct a nursing room at City Hall and at the East Lansing Hannah Community Center (ELHCC), as well as a single-occupancy restroom at City Hall. Learn more about this project here (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/396570/Consideration%20of%20a%20contract%20for%20$139,890%20with%20G.pdf?handle=C2F770A948AC42D2984461CCF5AD4379) .
* Council approved the purchase of recycling receptacles for placement in high-traffic public spaces at ELHCC, City Hall, the East Lansing Public Library and the Department of Public Works. Learn more here (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/396444/Approve%20the%20purchase%20of%20public%20space%20recycling%20.pdf?handle=7B89CE528C6245B99DDDD0C574009789) .
* Council returned from a closed session to approve tentative collective bargaining agreements with the International Association of Firefighters and the Independent Employee Union.

View the entire meeting agenda and related documents here (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/Portal/MeetingInformation.aspx?Org=Cal&Id=8780) . Watch and subscribe to the meeting on YouTube here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8b069xMTN0) . Review the meeting synopsis here (https://www.cityofeastlansing.com/ArchiveCenter/ViewFile/Item/2391) .

** Honoring the Heroism of Feb. 13 First Responders
Remembering Brian Fraser, Alexandria Verner and Arielle Anderson
View the East Lansing City Council resolution recognizing the courage & valor of East Lansing first responders (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/394189/Approve%20Resolution%20Honoring%20the%20Heroism%20of%20Firs.pdf?handle=90D19FC3E46F48198C9141D2D2A29A2E) .

Most Michigan State University students will not have classes on Feb. 13; assignments will not be due nor will exams be held on that day or the next. The university, including dining halls, recreational sports facilities, mental and emotional health services and CATA transportation services, will remain open and continue regular business functions on Feb. 13.

Following a moment of silence, the bells of Beaumont Tower will ring from 8:10-8:25 p.m. Beaumont Tower, Berkey Hall and the Union will be lit green from 6 p.m. on Feb. 13 until 6 a.m. on Feb. 14.

Additional details about how the MSU community is commemorating the two-year anniversary can be found at Spartans Together (https://spartanstogether.msu.edu/plans-feb-13-2025) .

** "Art in the Aftermath" at the Broad Art Museum
"Art in the Aftermath: Healing Gun Violence through Artivism" (https://broadmuseum.msu.edu/exhibition/art-in-the-aftermath-healing-gun-violence-through-artivism/?fbclid=IwY2xjawINogZleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHbQfJj1TKmxc-BK-_yu2uf-_MbxYV9P7vR2NNJORmVwcBdaSNmkJ1skRmA_aem_LyjlMhbCTOFNJAeInNvoJw) is an exhibition of activist art produced by individuals affected by gun violence and is being held in conjunction with the second commemoration of the violence experienced by the MSU community on Feb. 13, 2023. The free exhibit opened on Wednesday, Feb. 5 and will run through Thursday, Feb. 13.

There are several events this weekend, including an opening program, film screening and roundtable tonight (Friday, Feb. 7). A community resource fair and spoken word program will be held tomorrow (Saturday, Feb. 8). Learn more at broadmuseum.msu.edu (https://broadmuseum.msu.edu/exhibition/art-in-the-aftermath-healing-gun-violence-through-artivism/) .

** February Recognized as Black History Month
The City of East Lansing acknowledges the significance of Black History Month as an important opportunity to commemorate the tremendous contributions of Black Americans to the history of East Lansing and the United States, and recognizes the importance of Black History Month as an opportunity to reflect on the complex history of the nation.
Read the full City Council resolution recognizing Black History Month (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/396589/Resolution%20Recognizing%20February%202025%20as%20Black%20H.pdf) .

** SCENE Metrospace Features Letterpress Print Exhibit
"Type, Set, Press!" (https://events.cal.msu.edu/events/type-set-press/) is on display at SCENE Metrospace, 110 Charles St. in downtown East Lansing. The special exhibit features letterpress prints from students and faculty at Michigan State University as well as members of the Monks and Friars Chapel based in Detroit. The gallery is open Thursday-Sunday from noon-5 p.m. The temporary exhibit closes next weekend on Feb. 16. Admission is free.

** MSU Museum Launches Latest Exhibit
"Techno: The Rise of Detroit’s Machine Music (https://museum.msu.edu/msu-museum-presents-techno-the-rise-of-detroits-machine-music/) " features a 45-minute sound installation by the iconic Detroit Techno collective Underground Resistance, accompanied by a video installation from Detroit artist Andrew Charles Edman (ACE). It is part of an immersive exhibition that began Tuesday, Feb. 4 and will run until Wednesday, April 30 at the MSU Museum's temporary location in downtown East Lansing at 311 Abbot Road. Admission is free.

** LAST CHANCE: Little Shop of Horrors This Weekend!

This is the last weekend to catch All-of-us Express Children’s Theatre's winter musical production “Little Shop of Horrors: Broadway Version.”

The production has more than 50 mid-Michigan youth participants. It is based on the film by Roger Corman with a screenplay by Charles Griffith and is presented through special arrangement with Music Theater International. The show is sponsored by the East Lansing Arts Commission and R.E. Olds Foundation.

Shows are performed in the Albert A. White Theater at the East Lansing Hannah Community Center, 819 Abbot Road. Performances will take place starting at 7 p.m. tonight (Friday, Feb. 7) and 3 p.m. tomorrow and Sunday. Tickets are $14 for adults and $9 for youth ages 17 and under. Purchase tickets online at https://www.cityofeastlansing.com/allofus, in person at the ELHCC Box Office or by calling (517) 333-2580, ext. 0.

** Learn About the Fourth Amendment This Weekend

The community is invited to “Fourth Amendment: Protections and Rights” from 10 a.m.-noon on Saturday, Feb. 8, 2025, at the East Lansing Hannah Community Center, 819 Abbot Road.

Kathy Swedlow, attorney, former professor and assistant dean at WMU-Cooley Law School and Fourth Amendment expert, will present at the event. Discussion topics will include “unreasonable search and seizure” and what it means, and reasonable and unreasonable expectations during interactions with police.

Registration is not required for this free event.

** Echoes of Artistic Expression Opens Saturday Night at East Lansing Public Art Gallery
"Echoes of Artistic Expression" - a creative boom that bounces and weaves its way through generations anchors the name of this show featuring mother, daughter and granddaughter.

Included in the show are the posthumous work of Helen Smith, which includes lifelike portraits and drawings; Dr. Pamela R. Smith's handcrafted dolls, blankets and pillows; and Courtney Minifee's mixed media modern interpretative designs.

The show will open with a reception at the Public Art Gallery inside the East Lansing Hannah Community Center, 819 Abbot Road on Saturday, Feb. 8 at 6 p.m. The free show runs through Tuesday, March 4.

** Cooper's Hawk Rescued from Parking Garage
The same week that a new winery of the same name opened in the Greater Lansing area, a bird believed to be a Cooper's Hawk was rescued from the Grove Street Parking Garage. City employees from the Downtown Parking Division and the East Lansing Police Department with the help of a concerned community member were able to rescue the bird and set it free.
Monday, Feb. 10
* 6:30 p.m. Commission on the Environment meeting, East Lansing Hannah Community Center (ELHCC), 819 Abbot Road
* 7 p.m. Human Rights Commission meeting, ELHCC

Tuesday, Feb. 11
* 7 p.m. City Council discussion only meeting, ELHCC

Wednesday, Feb. 12
* CANCELED Planning Commission meeting
* 7-8:30 p.m. Sweetheart Ball, ELHCC

Thursday, Feb. 13
* 6 p.m. Community Development Advisory Committee meeting, ELHCC
* CANCELED Historic District Commission meeting
* 7-8:30 p.m. Sweetheart Ball, ELHCC

Friday, Feb. 14
Property taxes due!

* View meeting agendas and verify meeting dates, times and locations via cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/portal (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/portal/) .
* Apply to serve on a City board or commission at cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/Portal/BoardApplication/

** Crystal Awards Nominations Now Open
The Crystal Awards program strives to honor and uplift individuals, businesses, organizations and community groups that have, over time, enhanced life in the City of East Lansing and made it a more welcoming and affirming place to live, work and do business. Nominations (https://www.cityofeastlansing.com/FormCenter/Community-Events-3/2025-Crystal-Awards-Nomination-43) will be accepted until Tuesday, Feb. 25, and a reception will be held at 5 p.m. Thursday, April 24, at the East Lansing Hannah Community Center, 819 Abbot Road to recognize the honorees. Learn more at www.cityofeastlansing.com/CrystalAwards (https://www.cityofeastlansing.com/crystalawards) .
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For questions or comments about this issue, help with subscribing or to suggest a news story, email Communications Director Carrie Sampson at csampson@cityofeastlansing.com (mailto:csampson@cityofeastlansing.com?subject=E-Dialog%20) .

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