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** Important Property Tax Info from the City Assessor's Office Regarding Flood Damage
The City Assessor’s Office is reaching out to property owners in an attempt to ensure that the City’s assessment records, and 2025 assessed values, accurately reflect flood damage as a result of last summer’s rain events.
The status day for property taxes is Dec. 31 of the prior year. The City Assessor’s Office is working to adjust assessed values for 2025 so that any flood damage that remains present near the end of 2024 is considered. Using appropriate documentation and physical inspections, the City Assessor’s Office will take steps to match a parcel’s status at the end of 2024 to information used to set the parcel’s assessed value for 2025. There are three general possibilities with regard to 2024 flood damage:
1. Flood damage occurring in 2024 is fixed prior to the end of 2024: In this case, there would be no change in assessed value provided that the property owner simply replaces what was damaged and does not add additional finished basement area that was not present previously, does not add amenities that were not present previously, etc.
2. Flood damage occurring in 2024 is not fixed prior to the end of 2024 but is fixed after 2024: In this case, after verifying the damage, the City Assessor’s Office will adjust the affected parcel’s assessed value for 2025 and then make plans to check back with the property owner so as to pick up the value of the renovated property for the assessment year following correction of the damage. It should be noted that Michigan law provides protection for property owners with regard to taxable value when it comes to property that is damaged or destroyed by accident or by “act of God.” Essentially, property owners receive the benefit of the taxable value cap on replacement construction if they do not construct more than was present previously and they complete the replacement construction within three years.
3. Flood damage occurring in 2024 is never fixed: In this case, the City Assessor’s Office will remove the value of any finished basement area, etc. from the City’s assessed value for 2025 and subsequent years.
Property owners with flood damage that has not yet been repaired should contact the City Assessor’s Office at (517) 319-6880 to discuss their situation. Property owners who reported basement flood damage to the City as part of last summer’s listening sessions have been contacted directly by the City Assessor’s Office; those property owners do not need to reach out to the City Assessor’s Office.
Please note that assessed values for 2024 property taxes were determined as of Dec. 31, 2023. Changes to a property after Dec. 31, 2023, whether they were positive changes such as a new home being constructed or negative changes such as flood damage, cannot be reflected in 2024 assessed values. In short, there is no legal authority to make a change to a 2024 assessed value due to flood damage that occurred in 2024.
Thank you to everyone who has already completed the Communications Survey! This feedback is enormously helpful to the Communications Department.
Haven't filled it out yet? There's still time! Complete it online in just a few minutes here (https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PTGJWRG) .
To share more in-depth comments or suggestions about the Dialog, E-Dialog or other City communications, please contact Communications Director Carrie Sampson at csampson@cityofeastlansing.com (mailto:csampson@cityofeastlansing.com?subject=Communications%20Feedback) .
** Community Photo Contest Winners on Display at East Lansing Public Art Gallery in December
An exhibit featuring the winners of the City's 2024 Community Photo Contest will be on display at the Public Art Gallery inside the East Lansing Hannah Community Center (ELHCC), 819 Abbot Road through the end of December. The exhibit opens at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Dec. 7 before the annual Winter Fest event kicks off at 11 a.m. Exhibit visitors are welcome to stay at the ELHCC after viewing the winning photos.
Can't make it to the exhibit in person? View all winners online here! (https://cityofeastlansing.com/gallery.aspx?AID=30)
Photo above by Katie Hinko, Honorable Mention
** East Lansing Winter Fest Celebrates All Things Snowy on Saturday, Dec. 7
Winter Fest is nearly here! This annual East Lansing event celebrating all things W I N T E R will begin at 11 a.m. on Saturday, Dec. 7 at the East Lansing Hannah Community Center, 819 Abbot Road. Activities will be held both indoors and out, and include ice carving demonstrations, roasting marshmallows, food trucks, a winter farmers market, live music, crafts, a bounce house and so much more! Visit cityofeastlansing.com/winterfest (https://www.cityofeastlansing.com/464/Winter-Fest) for full details. Don't miss out on this family-friendly community event! FREE to attend.
Coming to the East Lansing Hannah Community Center this weekend for Winter Fest? Consider bringing along a donation for the Greater Lansing Food Bank! The Parks, Recreation and Arts Department is conducting a Holiday Food Drive for the third year in a row. Items that have been requested for this year’s collection include instant mashed potatoes, broth, stuffing mix, pie crusts and ingredients for making cookies, such as frosting, sprinkles and easy-mix cookie dough. All items should be shelf-stable, not require refrigeration and no glass containers because glass can chip or break in the donation bins, contaminating other donations and potentially injuring volunteers. Donations may be placed in one of the (clean!) East Lansing curbside recycling carts inside the ELHCC lobby.
** Holiday Light Recycling Now Through Jan. 17!
Community members may drop off their working and nonworking holiday lights to be recycled at the East Lansing Department of Public Works (DPW), 1800 E. State Road during regular business hours. Please note that there is a cart in the entrance of the building for their collection. Lights should not be placed in the outdoor recycling carts curbside or the outdoor bins at the DPW facility. The special holiday light collection runs from Dec. 2, 2024-Jan. 17, 2025.
** City Council Recap
At its meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 3, the East Lansing City Council
* Approved several appointments and reappointments to City Boards and Commissions.
* Approved a contract with Rowe Professional Services Company, Tetra Tech Inc. and Fishbeck for FY2025-27 as-needed professional engineering services.
* Approved Policy Resolution 2024-12 to apply for a Certified Local Government grant from Michigan's State Historic Preservation Office to create a Resource Guide for Owners of Historic Properties.
* Approved consulting services with Harbor Strategic for public relations services.
* Held a second reading for and approved Ordinance 1544, a name change for the Seniors Commission.
* Held a first reading and set a public hearing date for Ordinance 1542 to amend chapter 20 of the City Code for items related to historic preservation including the staff issuance policy.
* Approved a 120-day extension of the operating agreement between the City of East Lansing and Michigan State University for SCENE Metrospace, 110 Charles St.
* Considered and approved the Ingham County Emergency Management Annex agreement.
* Considered and approved contracts for security upgrades at City Hall and 54-B District Court.
* Considered and approved a contract with Lopez Construction for the FY2025 Community Development Block Grant sidewalk project in the amount of $170,000.
* Considered and approved adoption of the Non-Motorized Transportation Plan Update prepared by MKSK.
* Considered and approved a contract for $670,000 with Nielsen Commercial Construction to replace the pool area HVAC equipment at the East Lansing Hannah Community Center, with a project contingency of $67,000.
* Considered and approved a site plan request by Timber Sauna Company to install a seasonal sauna park in the vacant lot at 270 W. Grand River Ave.
View the meeting agenda for details about all of these agenda items (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/Portal/MeetingInformation.aspx?Org=Cal&Id=3395) .
View the meeting synopsis of Council action (https://www.cityofeastlansing.com/ArchiveCenter/ViewFile/Item/2318) .
Watch the meeting on YouTube to hear presentations and Council discussion (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWNuMwCqSQo) .
No-Fee Yard Waste Collection for properties EAST of Abbot Road. Yard waste must be bagged or bundled and placed at the curb by 7:30 a.m. on Monday, Dec. 9. Stickers and preregistration are not required for no-fee yard waste collection days.
Monday, Dec. 9
Human Rights Commission meeting 7 p.m. at the East Lansing Hannah Community Center (ELHCC).
Tuesday, Dec. 10
City Council discussion only meeting at 7 p.m. at ELHCC.
Board of Review meeting at 4 p.m. at East Lansing City Hall, 410 Abbot Road in the Court/Council Conference Room.
Wednesday, Dec. 11
Planning Commission meeting at 7 p.m. at the ELHCC.
The Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee meeting has been canceled.
Thursday, Dec. 12
The Historic District Committee meeting at 6 p.m. at ELHCC.
Through Sunday, Dec. 15
Food Drive for Greater Lansing Food Bank. Please donate shelf-stable food items -- NO GLASS! -- at ELHCC in lobby.
***Bookmark cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/Portal (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/Portal/Default.aspx) for meeting agendas and the application to serve on a board or commission. Several City boards and commissions have end-of-year vacancies that need to be filled. Get involved!
For up-to-date information about canceled meetings, visit www.cityofeastlansing.com/calendar (https://www.cityofeastlansing.com/calendar.aspx) or follow the City on social media. Find the City on
* Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/cityofeastlansing)
* Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/cityofeastlansing/)
* NextDoor (https://nextdoor.com/agency-detail/mi/east-lansing/city-of-east-lansing/)
* LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/city-of-east-lansing)
* X.com (https://x.com/CityofEL)
Several full-time, part-time and seasonal positions are now available! Come join the team! Learn more and apply at cityofeastlansing.com/Jobs (https://cityofeastlansing.com/Jobs.aspx) .
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