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East Lansing City Council Meeting Recap 9/10/24

East Lansing City Council Meeting Recap 9/10/24

** Thanks for reading!

The East Lansing City Council Recap is sent after regular, discussion-only and special City Council meetings. View the 2024 meeting schedule here (https://cityofeastlansing.com/DocumentCenter/View/14120/2024-City-Council-meeting-schedule-PDF) . Readers are encouraged to contact the East Lansing City Manager's Office with questions at (517) 319-6920.

The City of East Lansing occupies the ancestral, traditional and contemporary lands of the Anishinaabeg – Three Fires Confederacy of Ojibwe, Odawa and Potawatomi peoples land ceded in the 1819 Treaty of Saginaw.

** Highlights from the Sept. 10 Meeting
The East Lansing City Council met on Tuesday, Sept. 10 at the East Lansing Hannah Community Center (ELHCC) for a special regular meeting. Watch this meeting from the beginning (https://youtu.be/za8eOLDnIOE?t=493) .

During communications from Council, East Lansing Mayor Pro Tem Kerry Ebersole Singh reminded the community that COVID boosters are available and that there has been a surge in cases across the country.

East Lansing City Manager Robert Belleman noted that the Charter Review Committee would meet on Thursday, Sept. 12 at the East Lansing Hannah Community Center, 819 Abbot Road in Room 235. The email address to contact the committee is elcharter@cityofeastlansing.com (mailto:elcharter@cityofeastlansing.com) .

** 6.1 Resolution to Recognize the SET SEG Educational Foundation as a Non-profit
Watch this part of the meeting (https://youtu.be/za8eOLDnIOE?t=1970) . Council considered a request to recognize the SET SEG Educational Foundation as a non-profit organization located in the City of East Lansing for the purpose of them obtaining a charitable gaming license from the Michigan Lottery Bureau. View the agenda item report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/386308/Approve%20a%20resolution%20recognizing%20the%20SET%20SEG%20Ed.pdf?handle=CE709DE14A63432591E3F3BE405A5C83) . A motion to approve the request passed unanimously.

** 7.1 Discussion of June and July 2024 Post-Storm Report Prepared by HDR Michigan, Inc.
Watch this part of the meeting (https://youtu.be/za8eOLDnIOE?t=2000) . Council heard from representatives of HDR Michigan, Inc., who presented findings in regards to the significant flooding during two major storm events in June and July 2024. The representatives answered questions and presented the post-storm report, which compiles data on the storm impacts, as well as a summary of recent wet weather system investments. View the report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/386284/Discussion%20of%20June_July%202024%20Post-Storm%20Report%20.pdf?handle=86BB0B3E5D1742FA8526E937019BD3C1) .

** 7.2 Discussion of City Hall Security Upgrades
Watch this part of the meeting (https://youtu.be/za8eOLDnIOE?t=7056) . East Lansing Deputy Police Chief Jennifer Brown presented to Council on proposed changes to security at East Lansing City Hall, which include limiting the number of public entrances at City Hall during business hours, issuing proximity cards to employees and implementing a weapons detection system. Additional items identified by Deputy Chief Brown for increased safety are unifying camera systems and increasing the number of employees trained to "stop the bleed." View the agenda item report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/386225/Discussion%20of%20City%20Hall%20Security%20Upgrades.pdf?handle=38618EA5067A4FF98D23BC21EC77E12B) .

** 7.3 Discussion on Pretextual Stops
Watch this part of the meeting (https://youtu.be/za8eOLDnIOE?t=7731) . Council discussed a request from the East Lansing Independent Police Oversight Commission to add language into the law regarding traffic stops that would preclude stops based on protected classes and to prevent stops based solely on certain offenses, such as cracked or chipped windshield, loud exhaust, tinted windows and more. View the agenda item report to read the entire list of offenses (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/386384/Discussion%20On%20Pretextual%20Stops.pdf?handle=FF9EBFC5A7D04E8AA7A06B1B770275A2) .

** 7.4 Discussion of BWL Rate Increase for Residents and the City's Payment for Electric Service
Watch this part of the meeting (https://youtu.be/za8eOLDnIOE?t=8728) . Council discussed the recent rate increase from the Board of Water and Light (BWL). City staff estimate an increase in expenses of $416,853.78 over the two-year period of rate increases approved by BWL. This is based on actual electricity costs for FY2024. View the agenda item report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/386427/Discussion%20of%20BWL%20rate%20increase%20for%20East%20Lansin.pdf?handle=E765BDF43AF0454692E710CCE4A61AFB) .

** 7.5 Discussion of Solar Installation on City-owned Property
Watch this part of the meeting (https://youtu.be/za8eOLDnIOE?t=9008) . Council discussed the status of plans to add solar panels to City-owned property. Other alternate sources of renewable energy being explored by the Department of Public Works for the benefit of the community include geothermal. View the agenda item report (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/386331/Discussion%20of%20solar%20installation%20on%20City%20owned%20.pdf?handle=2779D99844334BB08A2C7E55E1D40925) .

The meeting was adjourned to closed session at 9:37 p.m.

To learn more about all items discussed during the meeting, view the Agenda Packet (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/386459/) (628 pages) and the meeting synopsis (PDF) (https://www.cityofeastlansing.com/Archive.aspx?ADID=2260) .

Next Meeting: Tuesday, Sept. 17

** Additional Information

East Lansing City Council meetings take place at the East Lansing Hannah Community Center, 819 Abbot Road at 7 p.m. A remote option for viewing the meetings and providing public comment is offered via the City's public meeting portal (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/Portal/) . The number to call in for public comment is posted at the top of each meeting agenda.

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  • 掲載日 : 2024/09/16
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