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E-Dialog News for Dec. 27 - 2024 Unwrapped

** Reflections on the Past Year: 2024 Unwrapped
The end of the year can be a time to reflect on what has occurred over the past 12 months. Presented here are some of the stories that might have been missed.

At its May 21 regular meeting, the East Lansing City Council approved Ordinance 1530, which among other things, set requirements for historic marker signs. The Wilmarth Property, located on Burcham Drive, is one of the first to display one of the new signs.
* Learn more about this ordinance (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/document/380021/Consideration%20of%20Ordinance%201530%20-%20except%20for%20am.pdf?handle=7822221793D844A78A646F8EB253B8E6)
* Read about the history of the property (https://kevinforsyth.net/ELMAC/willmarth/)

Those stripes on the road before a big winter storm? Street crews from the Department of Public Works use a liquid salt brine (approximately 23% salt-to-water) as an “anti-icing” measure, which helps prevent ice bonds from forming on the pavement surface, reducing compaction of the snow and ice and making it easier to remove. Preventing the bond takes less salt than breaking one that has already formed, so in this liquid form, significantly less salt is needed compared to dry salt. It also stays where it is sprayed, where dry rock salt can bounce off of surfaces during application.

This is important for multiple reasons. First, it’s cheaper and more efficient — the City has been able to cut salt usage in half, saving taxpayer dollars, all while improving the service to and safety of residents and motorists. Second, road salt impacts waterways and infrastructure, and brining helps avoid over-applying it.

Knowing more salt does not mean more melting and that no one strategy is effective (or efficient) for all conditions, crews use the right tool at the right time in the right place.
The Human Rights Campaign released its 2024 Municipal Equality Index scorecards earlier this month and the City of East Lansing scored a 99 out of a possible 100 points, including receiving a perfect score in four of the five categories. The categories on which the City was judge include the following:
* Non‐Discrimination Laws: This category evaluates whether discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity is prohibited in areas of employment, housing and public accommodations.
* Municipality as Employer: By offering equivalent benefits and protections to LGBTQ+ employees, awarding contracts to fair-minded businesses and taking steps to ensure an inclusive workplace, municipalities commit themselves to treating LGBTQ+ employees equally.
* Municipal Services: This section assesses the efforts of the City to ensure LGBTQ+ residents are included in City services and programs.
* Law Enforcement: Enforcement of the law includes responsible reporting of hate crimes and engaging with the LGBTQ+ community in a thoughtful and respectful way.
* Leadership on LGBTQ+ Equality: This category measures the City leadership’s commitment to fully include the LGBTQ+ community and to advocate for full equality.

View the City’s scorecard (https://hrc-prod-requests.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/files/documents/MEI-Scorecard-Assets/MEI-24-Scorecards/MEI-2024-East-Lansing-Michigan.pdf)
Learn more about the Human Rights Campaign (https://www.hrc.org/)

Photo by William Rowan, 2024 East Lansing Community Photo Contest Honorable Mention

** Annual Report / Community Calendar
Copies of the 2024 Annual Report / 2025 Community Calendar will be available for community members to pick up at East Lansing City Hall, the East Lansing Public Library or the East Lansing Hannah Community Center very soon.

For questions or to request a copy be sent through the mail, contact Carrie Sampson at csampson@cityofeastlansing.com (mailto:csampson@cityofeastlansing.com?subject=Annual%20Report%2FCommunity%20Calendar) .


The City resurfaced 4.2 miles of roadway in 2024, including the Coolidge and Hagadorn major roads projects. Watch the video of a ride on Hagadorn Road after it had been reopened in August.
HOLIDAY CLOSURES -- City of East Lansing offices will have adjusted hours in observance of the holiday season. East Lansing City Hall, the Department of Public Works (DPW) and 54-B District Court will be closed from Monday, Dec. 30-Wednesday, Jan. 1, reopening on Thursday, Jan. 2. The Prime Time Seniors Program will reopen on Monday, Jan. 6, 2025. The East Lansing Hannah Community Center and the East Lansing Public Library are closed on Tuesday, Dec. 31 and Wednesday, Jan. 1.

EXTRA RECYCLING -- The City will offer a second bonus recycling collection on Monday, Jan. 6 on both sides of the City. Please place recycling carts at the curb by 7:30 a.m. on that date.

From Monday, Jan. 6 - Friday, Jan. 17, the City will collect Christmas trees at the curb and at various sites across the City. For curbside pickup, please cut in half trees that are taller than 6 feet. For more information, including drop-off locations, visit www.cityofeastlansing.com/292/Christmas-Tree-Recycling.

Residents can recycle both functioning and non-functioning holiday lights by dropping them off in the cart in the entrance of the East Lansing Department of Public Works (DPW), 1800 E. State Road until Friday, Jan. 17. Lights should NOT be placed in curbside collection - thank you!

TRASH SERVICE -- Through Wednesday, Jan. 8, community members can dispose of extra trash without needing to use a yellow City trash bag. Trash must weigh no more than 40 pounds and will be collected on residents' regular collection day. Due to the holiday, those whose trash is collected on Wednesdays will have pickup on Thursday, Jan. 2.

PARKING -- The City will also continue to offer FREE holiday parking in City-owned garages on the following dates:
* Sunday, Dec. 29
* Monday, Dec. 30
* Tuesday, Dec. 31
* Wednesday, Jan. 1

View how many parking spaces are available at cityofeastlansing.com/liveparking

** City Council and Other Meetings
There will be no City Council or other board/commission meetings next week. The next City Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 7 at the East Lansing Hannah Community Center, 819 Abbot Road. For meeting agendas, visit cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/portal (https://cityofeastlansing.civicweb.net/portal/) .

** Share Opinions!
The City is hoping to receive community feedback with two brief surveys.
* The Folk Festival Study Committee is considering reestablishing a folk or similar music festival in the City of East Lansing. Survey here (https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/5Z6RYJ6) .
* The City's Communications Department wants to hear from the community about how it receives City news. Survey here (https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PTGJWRG) .

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