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Notification2024/12/20 (Fri)
E-Dialog for Dec. 20: The Holiday Issue
Photo by Justin Booth
** The Holidays Are Coming!!!
This Saturday (Dec. 21) is the winter solstice and...- [Registrante]City of East Lansing
- [Área]East Lansing, MI
Notification2024/12/13 (Fri)
E-Dialog News for Dec. 13
** City Offices Closing at 1 p.m. for Holiday Luncheon
City Hall, the Department of Public Works and Prime Time S...- [Registrante]City of East Lansing
- [Área]East Lansing, MI
Notification2024/12/06 (Fri)
E-Dialog News for Dec. 6
** Important Property Tax Info from the City Assessor's Office Regarding Flood Damage
The City Assessor’s Of...- [Registrante]City of East Lansing
- [Área]East Lansing, MI
Notification2024/11/29 (Fri)
E-Dialog News for Nov. 29
** City's Print Newsletter Celebrates 50 Years
The City's print newsletter, Dialog, debuted in the fall...- [Registrante]City of East Lansing
- [Área]East Lansing, MI
Notification2024/11/22 (Fri)
E-Dialog News for Nov. 22
** Monumentum is Meditative Part of MSU Museum Co-Lab Exhibit at MSUFCU in Downtown East Lansing
Berlin-based art...- [Registrante]City of East Lansing
- [Área]East Lansing, MI
Notification2024/11/15 (Fri)
E-Dialog News for Nov. 15
** A Quarter Century of Nature on the Northern Tier Trail
On Oct. 23, 1999, the City dedicated the completion of ...- [Registrante]City of East Lansing
- [Área]East Lansing, MI
Notification2024/11/08 (Fri)
E-Dialog News for Nov. 8
E-Dialog News for Nov. 8
** East Lansing Celebrates Its Election Heroes Serving on the Frontlines of Democracy
-------------------------------------------------------...- [Registrante]City of East Lansing
- [Área]East Lansing, MI
Notification2024/11/01 (Fri)
E-Dialog News for Nov. 1
E-Dialog News for Nov. 1
** Election Day is Coming: Early Voting Happening Now
The City continues to o...- [Registrante]City of East Lansing
- [Área]East Lansing, MI
Notification2024/10/25 (Fri)
E-Dialog News for Oct. 25
E-Dialog News for Oct. 25
** Weekend Road Construction Update / Closures
Paving work on Albert Avenue ...- [Registrante]City of East Lansing
- [Área]East Lansing, MI
Notification2024/10/18 (Fri)
Oct. 18 E-Dialog & Council Recap
Oct. 18 E-Dialog & Council Recap
** Early Voting for General Election Starts Monday
The City of East L...- [Registrante]City of East Lansing
- [Área]East Lansing, MI
Cuenta oficialNotification2024/10/17 (Thu)
第50回衆議院議員総選挙、第26回最高裁判所裁判官国民審査及び令和6年10月参議院議員補欠選挙(岩手県選挙区)の実施について、以下...- [Registrante]在デトロイト日本国総領事館
- [TEL]313-567-0120
- [Área]Detroit, MI
Cuenta oficialNotification2024/10/15 (Tue)
北海道、宮城県、福島県、茨城県、栃木県、群馬県、埼玉県、千葉県、東京都、神奈川県、新潟県、岐阜県、静岡県、愛知県、滋賀県、大阪府、兵庫県、和歌山県、島根県、岡山県、広島県...- [Registrante]在デトロイト日本国総領事館
- [TEL]313-567-0120
- [Área]Detroit, MI
Cuenta oficialNotification2024/10/09 (Wed)
なお、先にお知らせした、10月12日(土)に予定されていた令和6年10月参議院議員補欠選挙(岩手県選挙区)の在外公館投票の日程は変更になり、以下と同一日程(予定)となりますので、...- [Registrante]在デトロイト日本国総領事館
- [TEL]313-567-0120
- [Área]Detroit, MI
Cuenta oficialNotification2024/10/03 (Thu)
メルマガ会員メニュー [Registrante]在デトロイト日本国総領事館
- [TEL]313-567-0120
- [Área]Detroit, MI
Notification2024/09/24 (Tue)
East Lansing City Council Meeting Recap 9/17/24
East Lansing City Council Meeting Recap 9/17/24
** Thanks for reading!
The East Lansing City Counc...- [Registrante]City of East Lansing
- [Área]East Lansing, MI
Cuenta oficialNotification2024/09/18 (Wed)
【在デトロイト日本国総領事館】 ...- [Registrante]在デトロイト日本国総領事館
- [TEL]313-567-0120
- [Área]Detroit, MI
Cuenta oficialNotification2024/09/17 (Tue)
○在外公館投票時間:午前9時...- [Registrante]在デトロイト日本国総領事館
- [TEL]313-567-0120
- [Área]Detroit, MI
Cuenta oficialNotification2024/09/17 (Tue)
○ 旅券の仕様変更と申請から交付までの必要日数の増加
○ 書面申請の場合の領事出張サービスでの旅券発給・遠隔地居住者の即日発給サービスの終了
1 旅券の仕様変更と申請から交付までの必要日数の増加
(1)2025年3月24日から、旅券の偽変造対策を強化するため、人定事項ページにプラスチック基材を用いた「2025年旅券」の発給開始を予定...- [Registrante]在デトロイト日本国総領事館
- [TEL]313-567-0120
- [Área]Detroit, MI
Notification2024/09/16 (Mon)
East Lansing City Council Meeting Recap 9/10/24
East Lansing City Council Meeting Recap 9/10/24
** Thanks for reading!
The East Lansing City Counc...- [Registrante]City of East Lansing
- [Área]East Lansing, MI
Notification2024/09/09 (Mon)
East Lansing City Council Meeting Recap 9/3/2024
East Lansing City Council Meeting Recap 9/3/2024
** Thanks for reading!
The East Lansing City Coun...- [Registrante]City of East Lansing
- [Área]East Lansing, MI
Please contact the respective organization listed in the article for details.